View Full Version : Red Cedar HF

Michael James
12-04-2010, 9:56 PM
About 5 1/2 wide X 2 1/4. A little BLO, shellac and some wipe on poly. Then buffed.
Faily consistent 1/8, little thicker on bottom to allow for mini foot.
No finish inside so I can keep the cedar aroma!:)

John Keeton
12-04-2010, 9:59 PM
And, no cracks!!! Sweet, Michael! Really very nice. I like the form, and the color and grain is very flowing. You can use some cedar oil on the inside periodically to renew the scent. Good job on the hollowing, too.

Jim Burr
12-04-2010, 10:36 PM
I have a bottle of cedar oil around here somewhere:confused:. Nice little form! I can't do the thin stuff yet:o Should keep ya sniffin':cool:

Bernie Weishapl
12-04-2010, 10:45 PM
Really nice looking HF. Cedar is always a pretty wood.

Tim Rinehart
12-04-2010, 10:45 PM
Dang, that's pretty nice work and no cracks...seems to be the norm with red cedar...my experience anyway. Beautiful work!!

And, no cracks!!! Sweet, Michael! Really very nice. I like the form, and the color and grain is very flowing. You can use some cedar oil on the inside periodically to renew the scent. Good job on the hollowing, too.

Roger Chandler
12-04-2010, 10:50 PM
Wow MJ!

No cracks............I am green with envy! :D Very pretty form, and great finish on this!

Did you cheat and use Kiln dried? :eek: :D Well, actually, that is not cheating;), but you did good either way!

Thanks for sharing MJ!

Bill Bolen
12-04-2010, 10:52 PM
Pretty piece! Congrats on a nice"turn"...Bill...

Michael James
12-04-2010, 10:59 PM
Did you cheat and use Kiln dried? :eek: :D

The wood was a blank I got from either Donny or Joe...I'm embarrassed to say I don't remember which as things are piling up in the garage. But no, it was not kiln dried. Apparently I got lucky eh?

David E Keller
12-04-2010, 11:30 PM
Pretty wood and an interesting form. You gotta love that smell, huh?

Mark Hubl
12-05-2010, 12:19 AM
Very nice form. I love the look of cedar. The smell is a plus. Nice thin walls. Good job.

Scott Hackler
12-05-2010, 12:22 AM
That is nice. I just turned a chunk of fresh cedar and my shop is cedar potent right now!

Christopher K. Hartley
12-05-2010, 8:17 AM
Striking HF Michael, Don't you just love that stuff when it gets finished. Great Job.:)

Cathy Schaewe
12-05-2010, 8:27 AM
Very nice - Looks like you're getting that mini-monster and delta combination working!

Curt Fuller
12-05-2010, 10:29 AM
I can smell that just looking at it! Very nice!

Steve Schlumpf
12-05-2010, 12:10 PM
That is some pretty wood! Really like the form! Looking forward to seeing your next HF!

Robert McGowen
12-05-2010, 1:15 PM
Looks good. I really like the unfinished interior.

dan carter
12-05-2010, 5:19 PM
Nice shape, you did a good job. I work with cedar often and also prefer not to finish HF's. Why mask the smell? You might consider a cedar finial for this one.

Josh Bowman
12-05-2010, 5:22 PM
Michael, I like the form. I bet it smelt good while you turned it.

Joe Meirhaeghe
12-05-2010, 8:49 PM
I think that if I remember right I did give you a piece of cedar.
& I hope that I reminded you to not breath any cedar dust, as it is a known carcinogenic.
Any way nice job on the piece. I do think I would have preferred it without a foot though, but hey that's just me.
Glad to see your keeping at it.

The wood was a blank I got from either Donny or Joe...I'm embarrassed to say I don't remember which as things are piling up in the garage. But no, it was not kiln dried. Apparently I got lucky eh?

George Morris
12-05-2010, 9:21 PM
Mike very nice work! Thanks for posting! G