View Full Version : Lidded Bowl

Roland Martin
12-04-2010, 10:50 AM
This is a simple lidded bowl, a first for me. It's 5 1/2" x 3 1/2" tall, incl. the lid. Ash bowl and knob & white oak collar and lid. This was intended to be a utilitarian piece, hopefully a home for my cashews, but inevitibly, it's use will be determined by my wife :D (Quick pics, sorry for the quality)
Thanks for looking, Roland

David DeCristoforo
12-04-2010, 10:53 AM
I really like this! It's simple and clean with a very appealing shape. And useful too?!?! Can't beat that!

George Guadiane
12-04-2010, 10:55 AM
What a nice piece of work!
I like the combination /contrast of the woods, the proportions look elegant and the form and finish look very complimentary to the whole project.


Bernie Weishapl
12-04-2010, 11:07 AM
That is a really nice piece. I like the wood combo and should serve well as a nice bowl for candy, nuts, etc. What kind of finish did you use?

John Keeton
12-04-2010, 11:11 AM
Roland, this is a winner! Love the form and utility of the piece. You did an excellent job on the turning, too.

One complaint - minor - or not - almonds would work better than cashews!!:D I keep a container of almonds for munching, and this is a great idea - much better than the tupperware container they are in!:o

Jim Burr
12-04-2010, 11:15 AM
Very nice Roland! Cashews deserve a good home :p And what can you really do with an almond anyway...most people can't even pronounce it correctly!!:D:D

David Reed
12-04-2010, 12:07 PM
I agree completely with the elegance of this piece. And the form and finish is very pleasing as is the wood selection and match.
But, it is definitely a pistachio bowl if I ever saw one.

gary Zimmel
12-04-2010, 12:16 PM
Nice lidded bowl Roland. Can't beat these user pieces..

Mark Hubl
12-04-2010, 12:20 PM
Very nice Roland. Like the shape and the use of the two woods.

Kelvin Burton
12-04-2010, 12:27 PM
Very pretty piece! I love it when it can be used. Definitely Almonds, roasted for 15 mins @ 350F :-)

Dennis Ford
12-04-2010, 1:12 PM
Whatever you decide to put in it, the bowl looks great.

Ray Bell
12-04-2010, 1:14 PM
Very nice Roland. I like the collar idea, may have to try that, Maybe M&M's??:

Roger Chandler
12-04-2010, 2:19 PM
I like it............nice form on this and the lid is a nice compliment in fit and shape.

I think almonds are a bit healthier for the heart than cashews, from what I have been told, but cashews are good in moderation, and have a great taste!

Harry Robinette
12-04-2010, 11:39 PM
Really nice work the joint is excellent,I did some of these a couple years ago
and you just got me thinking .THANKS. The oak and ash really look good also.

Michael James
12-04-2010, 11:59 PM
Interesting concept, and nice clean detail. Always like a matching contrast in woods. Either MnM's or cashews are the obvious goods to be protected here, but Im sure you'll go with the little mrs. decision.:D

Scott Hackler
12-05-2010, 12:20 AM
This is very nice. I can easily see this sitting on my end table full of candy or nuts. Great job.

David E Keller
12-05-2010, 1:05 AM
It's a nice looking dish... I'd vote for pistachios.

Ken Hill
12-05-2010, 5:04 AM
I like it alot, and will have to give one a go!

Curt Fuller
12-05-2010, 10:31 AM
Ash, Oak, and Cashew.........can't beat that! Really nice!

12-05-2010, 10:36 AM
the simple clean form sets off the nice details. The design choices are very well made. Thanks for posting!

Marc Himes
12-05-2010, 12:05 PM
Very nice. I like the form and the way the woods work together.

Marc Himes

Ken Glass
12-05-2010, 2:03 PM
This is a great looking lidded bowl. Proportions are very flattering and I really like it. It is a departure from the norm and is very interesting, but simple also. Well Done.

Baxter Smith
12-05-2010, 2:28 PM
Nice shape and wood combo Roland. Can't beat that its useful too!

Roland Martin
12-05-2010, 4:50 PM
What a nice piece of work!
I like the combination /contrast of the woods, the proportions look elegant and the form and finish look very complimentary to the whole project.

Thank you, George. Nice finding time on the lathe again, and just as nice taking part on the forum again.

That is a really nice piece. I like the wood combo and should serve well as a nice bowl for candy, nuts, etc. What kind of finish did you use?

Thanks, Bernie. The finish is Nordic Oil from General Finishes. I kinda like the finish, it penetrates well but still has resins. The sheen is quite low, which I like a lot of the times. It dries quicker than most other oils too, 6 - 12 hours recoat.

:)Thanks to all for your kind comments, very much appreciated:)

dan carter
12-05-2010, 5:05 PM
I like the beauty ring, utilatarians can be greatly enhanced with good thought and simple design additions. Glad you didn't say it was for popcorn. :-)