View Full Version : Plane use

rick carpenter
12-02-2010, 11:05 PM
Just watched a Ch**rios commercial about a guy who loves to make birdhouses. He's in what looks like a woodworking shop: workbench, tools hanging up, drill press, chop saw, etc. He chucked a birdhouse front panel (wall?) in a vise and used a plane to smooth the upper curvature. Not to take it level, but using it like a spokeshave.

Bill Houghton
12-02-2010, 11:34 PM
For a convex curve, nothing wrong with that. Some people might find it easier to maintain the smoothness of the curve, since the length of the plane body would give them a clearer sense of the orientation of the tool to the curve.

Frank Drew
12-03-2010, 12:09 AM
Wasn't he going uphill against the grain somewhere along that curved edge?

Jim Koepke
12-03-2010, 12:31 AM
I have done that on things.

Easy with a small plane, hard with a #8.


Brian Kent
12-03-2010, 12:50 AM
Looks like he is doing a curve or a chamfer edge around a knothole, so the grain is on a curve:


David Weaver
12-03-2010, 8:21 AM
My mother would look at some rubbed out casework I have in the bedroom, and then look at that guy's birdhouses and say "why don't you make cute stuff like that and sell it?"

I missed the cheerios part of that commercial, but I didn't have the sound up.

use your tools any way you like as long as the results are good.