View Full Version : mold

David T gray
12-02-2010, 2:09 AM
what should i do with it have it on a few sealed blanks i plan to turn in the next few weeks should i remove it or just leave it and remove before they are turned.

Norm Zax
12-02-2010, 3:50 AM
No haste to remove but do put them in a dry place. The mold will die. In any case it may also dye.

Jim Burr
12-02-2010, 11:06 AM
Seldom does surface mold penetrate the surface...except for spalting of course. A fun way to kill it if your worried is to Ziplok it and toss it in the freezer for a day or 2

Steve Schlumpf
12-02-2010, 11:50 AM
David - the mold is there because of moisture in the wood. I usually just turn it away in the process of roughing out a form. Then I soak the blank in DNA (denatured alcohol) to speed up the drying process and probably also helps to kill any mold. Mold needs moisture in order to survive and, my understanding is, that once the wood is dry, mold will not form.

Ryan Baker
12-02-2010, 10:15 PM
Usually the mold is just on the surface and you can just turn it away when you are ready. I've recently had a big bunch of blanks that had a different type of mold that did penetrate deep into the blanks -- up to 1/2" or more deep on some. That pretty well wipes out the wall thickness on a rough=turned blank. I managed to save most of them, but wish I had caught it sooner. I have yet to see a blank start to spalt from the surface mold.

If the blanks are really green, be careful not to seal them overly well. The trapped moisture under the sealer is what caused the mold.

Bernie Weishapl
12-02-2010, 10:52 PM
Most the mold it on the surface. I have had a few blanks with mold on and just turned it away.

Harry Robinette
12-02-2010, 11:18 PM
PLEASE use dust extraction and wear a GOOD MASK Mold WILL Grow in moist
places like your lungs.My lung dr. said alot of my trouble is wood dust and mold I've turned alot of green wood that has mold over the last 12yrs.
I now wear a positive air shield, sort of like the Trend air shield .Also have 1200 cfm Delta dust collector on and Jet ambiant air cleaner on ALL the time.
Please all who turn green wood take care.