View Full Version : Hollowing tool

byron constantine
11-30-2010, 10:31 PM
Anyone hear use John Jordan hollowing tools? They are in my budget range. Pros or cons Thanks, Byron

Mark Hubl
11-30-2010, 10:36 PM
I haven't used them, but if I didn't already have DP Stinger I would be looking at them. The look pretty well made and they certainly work for John.

Bernie Weishapl
11-30-2010, 10:54 PM
Haven't used the Jordon's but have the Ellsworth set. They work well.

Vince Welch
11-30-2010, 11:10 PM
Hi Byron,
Yes I have John's tools and love them! I agree with you in that I feel John's tools are reasonable in cost. I did not want a captured hollowing system but rather simple tools. John has been hollowing for years! He offers a great demo and instruction! Get his tools and take a class or at least watch a demo or get a DVD. All you have to do is follow his direction and keep the tool(s) very sharp! Email me for more info...Happy Holidays! Vince

Richard Madden
12-01-2010, 12:32 AM
I have the Jordan 1/2" bent tool. I use it in either my Don Pencil hollowing tool or the articulated arm hollower I made. Comes in handy for reaching in shoulder areas of HFs. I like the 3/16" tips on his tools. You can make your own pretty easy.

Bill Blasic
12-01-2010, 5:34 AM
I use John's tools as well as the Kelton Hollowers on the Monster Hollowing system and they work great.

Jack Mincey
12-01-2010, 6:32 AM
I have the 3/4" #1 and #2 hook hollowing tool. The #1 tool is my go to tool when working in a Hollow Form. I use his arm brace handle and love it. I made my own straight hollowing tool. I hollow as far as 12" deep using his tools free hand since I don't have a captive system. 12 inches is my limit so far free hand. I'm planning to make a large straight hollowing tool from some 1" bar I have to try and explore a little deeper. The best advise I can give anyone when using hollowing tools free hand is stop and blow all the chips out very often. If you let them build up in the form they want to stop the tool from cutting, but worse they want to grip the bent tool and try and spin it. You don't want to have this happen, not even once. Take my word on that!! John gave me the 1/2" hollowing set for my school I teach at. We use it some, but I prefer the 3/4" set 10 to 1 to the 1/2" tools. It is very easy to hollow thru a hole no bigger than 1 1/4" using the 3/4" tools.

Dennis Ford
12-01-2010, 7:27 AM
I have a 1/2" bent tool from John Jordan, it is my preferred hollowing tool for the size forms that it fits. That covers up to about 6" wide x 5" tall. It could do larger items if you are skilled and patient.

Peter Lamb
12-01-2010, 8:35 AM
I too use Jordan Tools with much satisfaction. John J makes them in a variaty of sizes depending on extension from the tool rest. Very well designed and manufactured.

Bob Haverstock
12-01-2010, 12:34 PM
I too use Jordan Tools with much satisfaction. John J makes them in a variaty of sizes depending on extension from the tool rest. Very well designed and manufactured.

+1 Geat tools made by a good guy.

Bob Haverstock

bob svoboda
12-01-2010, 1:21 PM
I have the Jordan tools and am very happy with them.

Ryan Baker
12-01-2010, 7:42 PM
I have the smaller set of Jordan tools (1/2" set, not the 3/4"). I LOVE them. For doing work of that size, they do a great job. The curve of the Jordan tools seems to be a bit different than the other bent tools I have used, and I find that I like the shape of the Jordans better. I would probably have picked up the larger set too if I didn't already have tools of that size. Highly recommended.