View Full Version : Two Cherries Changes

Dante DiIanni
11-30-2010, 3:33 PM
I'm not sure where to post this, but it's information for everyone who uses these chisels.

We have just been advised that our supplier (and the supplier of just about everyone in the US) is going to institute a "minimum advertised pricing" policy for Two Cherries products. This will take effect on January 1st.

Thus our prices and those of other retailers (online and off) will be going up.

I suppose that it will exclude the goofy "Check Cart for Pricing" gimmicks, but I'll let the lawyers handle this.

Have a happy and safe holiday!

(PS haven't been able to kill my old signature, sorry)

Johnny Kleso
11-30-2010, 4:27 PM
Might be time to update my set and get the extras sizes I have been putting off buying..