View Full Version : SMC Support for End-o-Pond

Keith Outten
04-09-2003, 5:15 PM
Due to my schedule I will not be able to attend the End-o-Pond-a-Rama this weekend, however Ken Salisbury has offered to represent SawwMill Creek. Ken will be attending as an SMC staff representative and I have prepared a package of items for Ken to distribute among those attending.

No doubt that most of you will recognize Ken but just to make sure you don't miss Ken in the crowd we have prepared a SawMill Creek badge for Ken and as a thanks for his offering to be our official at the event I have created a "Golden Rule" paperweight as a gift. Ken will also be wearing his new SawMill Creek jacket so please say hello to Ken during the event.

If you attend this weekends event and you would be kind enough to share any photos you take during the event with us at the Creek we would be glad to host a web page commemorating the event. You can email any digital photos and text to webmaster@sawmillcreek.org or send them via US Postal mail to HRO and I will make sure your photos are returned.

Thanks and we hope that everyone has a great time this weekend and a safe journey.

Ken Salisbury
04-09-2003, 5:43 PM
I am proud to represent SMC at the picnic and am looking forward to meeting the Ponders I have met in the past and those who I have come to know through my years on The Pond. There are so many that I consider friends even though I have never met them face-to-face both from Badger Pond and from Sawmill Creek.

<p align="center">
<IMG src="http://www.klsal.com/car15.gif">

See Ya In Indiana !! </p>

Bob Janka
04-09-2003, 9:12 PM
May I be among the first to congratulate Ken on his appointment!

If anyone deserves recognition for his efforts in making SawMillCreek.org a warm, friendly, and informative community, it is Ken Salisbury. His ceaseless efforts in encouraging guests to join, reminding people of their birthdays, and most importantly, helping people navigate the not always smooth waters of the Creek, are an inspiration to us all!

Let's hear it for Ken! Hip hip hooray! Hip hip hooray! (Hear! Hear!)

Bob Janka
one of many helped by Ken S.

P.S. I am sad that I cannot join you all in Indiana in person. Please consider my spirit to be there virtually! ;)