View Full Version : Pendants, Art Show & Shameless Gloat

11-29-2010, 9:58 PM
Heeee’s back!!! After a six month hiatus from woodturning I’m back at it. It’s just too hot and humid in the summer in Pensacola to do the kind of woodturning I want to do – using inlayed crystal minerals. Offshore fishing is much a more attractive alternative.

Last December, I posted some pictures here of pendants that I made for my two daughters, ages 14 and 17. Joe Herman, the editor of Woodturning Design, saw the posting and asked me to write an article about how to make them. I co-authored the article with my 17 year old daughter who did the necklaces for the pendants, and the article will be in the February issue, out on January 4th (shameless gloat). We sent several pendants to the publisher for photos and some of the staff were interested in buying them. When my two daughters heard that, they were ecstatic, saw it as a business opportunity and asked me to do an art show this weekend – a juried art show. Just couldn’t turn them down, even though this is not my thing. It’s been a great chance to work with the girls - their taste in jewelry is excellent and it allows me teach them about marketing and cost accounting. The pendants are made of bois de rose, amboyna burl, black palm, corian and acrylic. On some I used my new chatter tool. Here are some pics of what will be in the show. (spent the last 2 hours trying to get pixresizer to work so I could include other shots but have given up)

Baxter Smith
11-29-2010, 10:09 PM
Beautiful pendants. Necklaces too. I was just thinking about going back and reading up on how to do these and make some as Christmas gifts. Won't be like these though. They look great!

John Keeton
11-30-2010, 6:59 AM
Nice work, Bill, and good to have you back! Glad Joe picked up on your "family venture" and that you are having some good times with the girls - what could be better?!?!

Ken Hill
11-30-2010, 7:24 AM
Very nice!

Bernie Weishapl
11-30-2010, 11:55 AM
Those are beauties Bill. Good to have ya back.

Tim Rinehart
11-30-2010, 11:57 AM
And to think people spend big money on a Rose Engine...shooot!

Nice work and congrats on article and teaching lessons to your girls.