View Full Version : A Turner's Cruise!

Dan Hintz
11-29-2010, 11:11 AM
Just came across this... a Norwegian cruise line for turners. Set in mid-August 2011, prices range from roughly $3,200-$4,400. The general accommodations are not what I have come to expect on a cruise (more like a Motel 6), but if you're there to turn wood and learn from a few masters, well...

EDIT: I should also add that Jimmy Clewes will be there for some teaching sessions...

John Keeton
11-29-2010, 11:16 AM
A drop in the bucket compared to your most recent outlay, Dan - do it!!!:D;) And, while you are at it, I wouldn't mind going, so if you are in the "giving" spirit of the season, go ahead and pay for mine, too!:rolleyes:

Bernie Weishapl
11-29-2010, 11:34 AM
Well Dan what are you waiting for???:eek: Sounds like a chance of a lifetime for you.:D;):rolleyes:

Rob Wachala Jr
11-29-2010, 11:35 AM
Interesting. I definitely would never thought of a 'wood turning cruise'. Though when I think of a cruise ship this is not what comes to mind ;) If I had that type of extra income though I would probably be thinking .. hmm bigger lathe.. or maybe a good down payment on a zing laser ;)

Jim Underwood
11-29-2010, 11:35 AM
Really.. with the amount of cash Dan has, he could send us all on the trip...;)

Wally Dickerman
11-29-2010, 11:47 AM
A friend took last years cruise and said that he thoroughly enjoyed it. Of course he's Norweigan and has relatives over there.


Dan Hintz
11-29-2010, 11:54 AM
If I had that type of extra income though I would probably be thinking .. hmm bigger lathe.. or maybe a good down payment on a zing laser ;)
Nah, already have a laser :p And there's nothing "extra" about my income... some people buy $4 cups of coffee every day or 50 packs of $2 baseball cards every week, my weakness is cool tools. I use them all, but not enough to make any serious money at (though usually enough to pay for them within a few years), simply because my train of thought is always interrupted by my 8-5. If I could concentrate on my pet projects without having to worry about solving some problem at work, I would have a significantly more fun time at home. I've already warned Amy that once I have enough saved up I'm quitting the workforce and pushing my business to the forefront again. Maybe I can convince Rodney to finally leave South Africa and come set up a laser shop with me. :)

Besides, I already promised Amy another 2-weeker at the end of 2011... she's thinking Caribbean again, I'm thinking something unique, like Panama canal, Alaska, or maybe even Norway.

Ken Hill
11-29-2010, 1:05 PM
I take you on acruise Dan, for about 1/2 that cost....

Im pretty sure I can get a lathe in my bass boat, we will cruise the Potomac and Keeton can give you instructions! (No worries John, I will cut you in) LOL!!!!!

Ken Fitzgerald
11-29-2010, 1:56 PM

Let's see....there's you, Dan, John, a lathe and Amy on the bass boat?

I don't see Amy buying that cruise!:rolleyes:

Don't know the lady but that's where I'd place my bet......

Dan Hintz
11-29-2010, 2:03 PM
She did say "anywhere that's warm", so sometimes lack of specificity can work in my favor.

David E Keller
11-29-2010, 4:12 PM
I talked with Jimmy Clewes and his wife about this cruise when I took the course from him. They've been doing it for years.

I'd love to see the scenery, but the cruise itself didn't sound like my cup of tea. If I'm not mistaken, the boat is rather small by cruise ship standards and is missing the bar and casino typical of most cruise ships:eek:.

I don't sit still very well, so being trapped on a boat without the possibility of a drink or a craps table doesn't sound appealing to me. There's also a video on the website of some awful song that's sung on the cruise:eek:... I would defnitely want a drink if I had to listen to that.:D

Fred Perreault
11-29-2010, 6:48 PM
I think that Ken Hill should put together a major sleepover/woodgathering/turning week or weekend at his place. He seems very friendly and accomodating, and is not selfish with his resources. I'll bring the local seafood, and some Sam Adams.... ? :)

Baxter Smith
11-29-2010, 7:13 PM
I can bring a bushel of Hard Crabs and apple chunks if he wants to do some grilling. Have a paper bag of mesquite curlee's I have saved as well.:)

Ken Hill
11-29-2010, 7:15 PM
For blue crabs and some oysters...I would highjack a cruise ship LOL:p

John Keeton
11-29-2010, 7:29 PM

Let's see....there's you, Dan, John, a lathe and Amy on the bass boat?

I don't see Amy buying that cruise!:rolleyes:

Don't know the lady but that's where I'd place my bet......I can state, without hesitation, that the phrase "A Turner's Cruise" would get me a very quick response from Ms. Keeton that she hoped I enjoyed it, and let her know when I left as she had some shopping she needed to do!!:eek::eek::D

Ken Fitzgerald
11-29-2010, 7:58 PM
John....if yours is like mine....it would be some SERIOUS shopping too!

Michael James
11-29-2010, 8:35 PM
Not my cup of tea... rode the Queen Mary from Paris to NY years ago and that was enough for me! Seasick is, well sickening.
I have been considering some of the week long Seminars in Utah or other places as a viable / affordable alternative. Too far from work related activities to do much but soak it in..... ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh:cool:

Dan Hintz
11-30-2010, 7:09 AM
I'm considering the Clewes classes in Vegas once I become more comfortable... I have a friend in LV that would be happy to show me the town. The only trick is finding time off from work.