View Full Version : Birdseye Redwood source -segmented bowl

Randy Gazda
11-28-2010, 2:50 PM
I posted photos of a bowl recently with a birdseye redwood bottom. In case anyone is interested in the source. I bought the wood at
burlwood online, I stopped by one time when I was nearby. Lorin was a great to work with and has a lot more wood than what his on-line catalog shows. He has lots of highly figured wood, quilted and burled bigleaf maple, lace redwood, etc. Give him a call if you are looking for something specific.


Bernie Weishapl
11-28-2010, 7:20 PM
That is a really nice looking bowl. Joints look mighty fine. I like the redwood in the bottom.

David Reed
11-28-2010, 8:28 PM
I'm not really a segment bowl guy but this is beautiful. Love the wood combination - they really compliment one another. Maybe give it a try in the not too far distant future.