View Full Version : OT Toy gloat and question

Ron Taylor
04-09-2003, 4:04 PM
I've just realized a long time fantasy by buying a matched pair of Ruger Vaquero .45 Long Colt revolvers with hand tooled quick draw holsters and matching Winchester model 94 Long Colt lever action carbine.

Thats the gloat.

Now the problem.

The seller is a full time chain smoker, stays inside and keeps his house closed up. The result is that I had to leave the holsters outside because they literally smell so bad I couldn't bring them in my bedroom.

How can I get this horrible stench out of leather? I tried saddle soap and leather oil, but within minutes, the smell was back.

I thought perhaps I'd build an aromatic cedar box and store the holsters for a while. D'ya think that'd help??


Jim DeLaney
04-09-2003, 8:28 PM
Try putting the holsters in a sealed plastic bag with an box of baking soda sprinkled ove the inside of the bag. Leave them for a week or so. The baking soda ought to absorb the odor.

<Center><FONT FACE="Comic Sans MS" COLOR="Blue">Jim D.</FONT></Center>
<P><center><img src="http://www.jcdelaney.com/usaflag.gif"></center><P>

Jason Roehl
04-09-2003, 8:50 PM
Originally posted by Jim DeLaney
Try putting the holsters in a sealed plastic bag with an box of baking soda sprinkled ove the inside of the bag. Leave them for a week or so. The baking soda ought to absorb the odor.

What Jim said, plus add plenty of newspaper. Worked for a freezer that got unplugged in the middle of summer for 2-3 weeks full of venison (we didn't put it in the plastic bag, though). You could also try to run them in the dryer on NO HEAT for an hour or two, unless they might get damaged by the tumbling action.

BTW, I thought about the same thing of the BP hat that I got toward the end...Methinks Wayne smoked c-gars.

Von Bickley
04-09-2003, 9:56 PM

I have heard of a product that is supposed to be great on removing odors. The product is "Fabreeze" (sp) and I think they carry it at WalMart & K-Mart. You might could seal the holster in a plastic bag with some of this stuff.

I haven't used it. Just passing on what I have heard....

Jay Kilpatrick
04-09-2003, 10:16 PM
Originally posted by Von Bickley

I have heard of a product that is supposed to be great on removing odors. The product is "Fabreeze" ....

This is a spray on product...so's I'd try it on a bunk piece old leather shoe first to check on staining. Otherwise, I know its mostly for fabric stuff (ie. carpets, cloths, hats...you get the picture). I'd go the baking soda/newspaper route; its proven to work and it doesn't have to penetrate the item to work.

BTW...a big congrats! I don't have any pistols, but I do have two Winchester lever action 30/30's.