View Full Version : much to be thankful for

Roger Chandler
11-25-2010, 12:22 PM
Earlier this morning [5:45 am, or thereabouts] I was thinking about this thanksgiving season, and all the reasons I have to be thankful. God has been good to me........is everything just the way I want it, of course not, but He has truly been good!

Along with my faith, my wife and family, my material blessings and my health, one of the things I am thankful for is my woodworking tools and what they do for my life. Woodworking and wood turning are an outlet for me, and they allow me time for my creative and constructive side.

I have said for years, there is an inner desire in me that always wants to make things better. Over the years I have walked into situations and my leadership and this carpenter spirit that I have makes me want to get at things and start to repair, build or whatever, to make it better. That is something God put inside of me, and it has made a huge difference in many situations that I have come across.

I am thankful for the fellowship of wood turners on this forum.......you folks have added to my life, and I want to say "thank you!"

Blessings to everyone on this thanksgiving day!

Jim Burr
11-25-2010, 12:44 PM
Amen Roger :D

David Reed
11-25-2010, 1:11 PM
Couldn't have said it nearly as good myself.

bob svoboda
11-25-2010, 2:19 PM
Well put Roger

Bernie Weishapl
11-25-2010, 2:36 PM
Amen Roger. Couldn't have said it better.