View Full Version : A spark...

Joe Mioux
11-23-2010, 9:58 PM
This evening my oldest son needed to have some wood cut down for a one of his Landscape Architecture projects. He is building a model.

He is a LA student at the University of Illinois and is home for Thanksgiving break.

His brother Nicholas is a senior in high school and is in building trades. Every year the school builds a house and this is his second year learning the various trades.

Tonight Michael, aka kid 1 in college, asked me to cut some wood. He needed some strips 1/8 inch thick which will represent 1 foot and also a few other pieces.

He and his brother had no idea how thin I could cut strips of wood. I was using my Grippers.

I cut 1/16 inch and 1/8 inch strips. I asked if he needed thinner strips and as he still wide eyed amazed at the thinness of the strips he said no.

both kids were amazed at how consistent the thickness of the strips were.

Long story short......

I think I just ignited a spark in both boys and may have instilled an interest in woodworking.

I sure hope so!


Ken Fitzgerald
11-23-2010, 10:04 PM
That's cool Joe! It's always fun when the old man can impress the sons!

James Baker SD
11-23-2010, 10:05 PM
Lucky you. Good work.


Joe Mioux
11-23-2010, 10:13 PM
OH!! I forgot to mention.... Nick says, dang I wish I could take shop next semester. We still have a woodworking program at his high school.

btw: some of you may remember my daughter chopping mortises and turning a pen. I posted pictures of both.

Hopefully, they all will learn a little about WW... or alot about WW'g in the future.