View Full Version : Ornament Time

James Combs
11-23-2010, 7:55 PM
I saw some tree ornaments posted the other day so I had to give it a try. This is the first try.;)

Note how big the top to globe interface is relative to the bottom interface. I was hollowing threw a 3/4" hole in the bottom and manged cut the globe off of its chuck tenon creating a about an 1-1/4" hole in the top:mad:. I think some of you folks refer to that as making a funnel but... Luckily the new "hole" was almost perfectly concentric with the globe and I was able made a "design change":rolleyes: and turned a large top for it and left the tenon on the top and then glued the globe to the top and presto I am back in the hollowing business.

By way of self critique... the icicle seem a lot shorter when I was standing over it at the lathe. It's a little off the 2/3rds rule.

Material = Globe is curly Maple, top and icicle are Cherry
Length = 7-3/4" (yes it is a long icicle
Diameter = Just under 3" (fairly large ornament I know)
Finish = 2 coats of rattle can poly.

John Keeton
11-23-2010, 8:05 PM
Actually, JD, I think the icicle is proportionate to the overall form. Nice work, and looks like a little "flatwork" in that stand, too! Good to know you still use those other tools every now and then.;)

James Combs
11-23-2010, 8:20 PM
Actually, JD, I think the icicle is proportionate to the overall form. Nice work, and looks like a little "flatwork" in that stand, too! Good to know you still use those other tools every now and then.;)

Yeah, I had to have something to hold it for the photo.:D

Baxter Smith
11-23-2010, 8:23 PM
Pretty combination and the proportions look good to me though the original design might have been a little nicer.:)

Bernie Weishapl
11-23-2010, 9:08 PM
Really nice looking ornament James. Looks good proportionally to me.

David E Keller
11-23-2010, 9:26 PM
Nice save. I think the icicle looks proportional, and I'd hang it on my tree(if my wife let me... I don't have decorative authority:o)

Jim Underwood
11-23-2010, 11:15 PM
Great save! Great job! Great first time ornament!

I like your stand too... any chance of seeing the whole thing?

Do some more!

James Combs
11-24-2010, 8:16 AM
Great save! Great job! Great first time ornament!

I like your stand too... any chance of seeing the whole thing?

Do some more!

The stand is just just something I knocked together to hold the ornament and future ornaments/birdhouses for photos. It is from a piece of 3/4" x 4" cherry and uses a small Maple drawer front as a base so it is not much to look at by it's self but I will get a full photo today and post it here.

James Combs
11-24-2010, 10:43 PM
Great save! Great job! Great first time ornament!

I like your stand too... any chance of seeing the whole thing?

Do some more!

As promised, here are a few photos of the ornament stand. Nothing special, like I said it's just a piece of 3/4" x 4" cherry and uses a small Maple drawer front as a base. The base has two drywall screws up from underneath into the cherry stand. The cherry was so narrow that I put the brass hook in the end of it to get any hanging item closer to the center of gravity of the base. The drawer front was already finished. I put some danish natural oil on the cherry to make it a little more photogenic.;) It will be seen in future postings of ornaments and birdhouses. It was never meant to be fully displayed:eek:.


Jim Underwood
11-25-2010, 9:26 AM
As promised, here are a few photos of the ornament stand. Nothing special, like I said it's just a piece of 3/4" x 4" cherry and uses a small Maple drawer front as a base. [...] It was never meant to be fully displayed:eek:.

Whether or not you meant to display it, it has a lot of potential. One could refine the idea... But I think it looks pretty good as is. Just a few tweaks and you could have something special.

I'm not much of a fan of the wire stands, and I'm always looking for alternatives.

James Combs
11-25-2010, 7:31 PM
Whether or not you meant to display it, it has a lot of potential. One could refine the idea... But I think it looks pretty good as is. Just a few tweaks and you could have something special.

I'm not much of a fan of the wire stands, and I'm always looking for alternatives.

Now you have me thinking that maybe I could get a premium price for the ones I sell if I include some sort of stand with them.:D Simple enough to make and it would be a big plus to those that may want to show their ornament(s) off even after the holidays.;)

Christopher K. Hartley
11-25-2010, 7:39 PM
James, nice form and wood choice as well as color. Great job. Thanks for sharing.:)

Michael Short
11-25-2010, 8:03 PM
Very nice work James. I like your wood choices and the form of your finial. Thanks for posting.