View Full Version : 3450 rpm buffer configuration?

Alan Zenreich
11-22-2010, 11:02 AM
I already have a set of 8" Beall buffs that I've been using on a slow speed (1725 rpm) grinder. I'm moving those buffs over to a 9" SandFlee's power take off spindle. I'll make photos of that rig later.

However, yesterday I aquired a very gloatworthy Baldor LPL50 1/2 hp 3450 rpm buffer. It's unused and the price I paid was pretty embarassingly low, so I want to put it into service. This buffer is generally used by jewelers and dentists to work on small pieces.

I have a set of 3" Beall bowl buffs that work nicely at the faster rpm. However, I was thinking of getting something in 4" diameter, which on the higher speed motor will give roughly the same surface speed as the 8" wheels on the slower machine.

On this machine, I expect to do mostly small pieces (pendants, bottle stoppers pens, etc.) and bowls.

So the question is whether to get 4" flat wheels, or go for 4" bowl buffs.
I've read somewhere that the bowl buffs might be softer. Is there any downside to going with bowl buffs as opposed to flat wheels?

For comparison I've attached a photo that shows the buffer with an 8" wheel and a 3" bowl buff.

Any thoughts?

Oh, to extend the gloat, I also picked up from the same seller an unused Quatro Velocity X2 dust collector (generally used by the jewelry trade to collect gold dust during buffing). I have several other dust collectors/extractors in my shop, but I'll dedicate this two port unit to Lauren's pyrography area (to take away any smoke produced) and the nearby Hegner scroll saw.

So, two new very high quality tools for my little shop... and very little cash out of the wallet. I did however have to drive 1.5 hours each way to get the toys.

Alan Zenreich
11-22-2010, 10:45 PM
Gee, I guess I stumped the panel <vbg>

John Keeton
11-23-2010, 6:50 AM
Well, just to breath some life to the thread, Alan, I will jump in!:D First, congrats on the Baldor - doesn't get much better for a motor!

I have the 8" wheels, and not 4", and smaller bowl buffs. My impression of the bowl buffs is they are not nearly as soft as the wheels. The 4" may be softer. Personally, I don't care for the buffs, and use them only when I absolutely cannot get to an area with the wheels.

I am curious on the speed, though. I buff at about 7-800 rpm in order to avoid burning the surface of the finish. Seems like the 1725 would be pretty fast, but apparently you have good luck with it. Haven't done the math on the surface speed on the 3425, but I assume you are correct in the comparison.

Didn't help much, but at least I chimed in!;)

Christopher K. Hartley
11-23-2010, 8:57 AM
Alan good setup. I was wondering about your positioning of the motor on the bench, I have a similar setup and had to extend the shaft out over the end of the bench for bowl clearance when buffing. Is all of your stuff small or do you think moving the motor out to the front edge of the bench would make it more accessible?:)

Alan Zenreich
11-23-2010, 9:37 AM

The buff does extend over the bench, and it's high enough for bowls, so it looks like this will work as is.

However, if need be, it would be a simple matter to move the buffer to provide additional clearance. There is limited space to the right of the buff and I need to keep that walkway as clear as possible in my very tight shop layout.


I spoke to the folk at Beall yesterday and got some information. The 4" bowl buffs are essentially the fabric from two 4" wheels bent over in a cup configuration (and priced accordingly).

I think I'm going to go with the bowl buffs as they provide a little more flexible buffing setup.