View Full Version : Dark Finish for Antique Pine Door?

Will Rowland
11-22-2010, 9:39 AM
I'm looking for advice on how to refinish the original front door for my house, which was built in 1914. The door is 2" thick pine, with very tight and straight grain (no knots), as one might expect from pine of that era. Fortunately, the door is on the north side of the house, and under a large covered porch, so it is still in remarkable condition with zero rot, splits or other deterioration.

I've just stripped several layers of paint off it, and the wood cleans up beautifully with just a light sanding. The original finish appears to be a dark pigmented shellac or varnish. I'd like to return it to a dark finish (something like a "walnut" color). A light, "natural" pine finish would not work very well with the house's existing color scheme.

Knowing that pine doesn't take stain very well, what are my best options for applying a dark finish? Should I go back with some sort of tinted varnish? If so, what brands/specifications should I look for?