View Full Version : Waiting for Pics from the Creeker gathering at Ken Hill's place

Roger Chandler
11-20-2010, 2:33 PM
Today is the "Creeker" gathering at Ken Hills' place and we await pics from the auspicious event.

Mike Cruz, Ken Hill, Baxter Smith, Tony DeMasi and some others were to be there.

I could not attend because my mother in law had a cardiac proceedure yesterday, and to beat it all, I have come down with the flu.........but I am awaiting posts from this massive wood haul day!

Ken, your generosity in sharing your bounty speaks to your character!

Okay.......we await the pics! :D You know around the creek here. no pics, it didn't happen! :eek::D:D:D

Tony De Masi
11-20-2010, 2:39 PM
I await them to Roger. I couldn't make it as my daughter needed new brakes and rotors on her car and this was the only mutual day to take care of it.

I sure wish I could have gone though.

Ken Hill
11-20-2010, 4:00 PM
Baxter was the last out, and he is on his way home as I type.

Had a great day! Lots of fun, good conversation and plenty of wood hauled out!

Im working on the pics now, and I will post them shortly! Thanks to everyone who came, and I foresee a few more days such as this here and would be very open to hosting more!

John Keeton
11-20-2010, 5:04 PM
Whew, there for a few minutes I thought the party had gotten out of hand and they were all in jail!!:eek::D;) That is a pretty wild bunch to have gathered in one location without adult supervision!

Ken Hill
11-20-2010, 5:08 PM
They were late arriving, I think they stopped at one of the "Jiggly" joints on the way here !:eek:

Ken Hill
11-20-2010, 5:11 PM
Ok, a few have uploaded so here we go!

Baxter getting busy with the Anchorseal! I think the next batch of AS I order will be the clear, im growing tired of the green haha!


Baxter brought some wood to share as well. You know you are a diehard when you BRING wood to a wood gathering site!



Ken Hill
11-20-2010, 5:19 PM
I think everyone got what they wanted. Loading up some walnut


There was plenty here to choose from


This guy looks like trouble LOL!


Ken Hill
11-20-2010, 5:23 PM
Pawing through the Baxter bins! Some dang fine wood in there!


A good haul


This poor soul..the Vortex has him...now he has a ton of wood and no lathe to turn it on! I bet he handles every piece a thousand times when he gets home:D


Ken Hill
11-20-2010, 5:25 PM
Baxter is my kind of guy...runs a Stihl and carries a Nikon:D


I have a feeling these guys will be back:D


Baxter putting the Stihl to work


Ken Hill
11-20-2010, 5:40 PM
Baxter stayed after the others had left and tackled the Sycamore


He was mumbling about Keeton and 20 inchers and just kept cutting haha!




Ken Hill
11-20-2010, 5:50 PM
I took a series of images to show the making of two big bowl blanks








Roger Chandler
11-20-2010, 6:00 PM

Who all showed up? I sure wish I could have had my Husqvarna there! I like that sycamore that Baxter is working on.

Who is who in the pics? Did anyone get anything other than walnut and sycamore? Any maple, oak other woods?

Great pics from you as usual. You are quite the shutterbug!

John Keeton
11-20-2010, 6:03 PM
Maybe it is just me, but I see one laborer, and three foremen?!?!?:confused: And, I recognize Dan and Baxter, but who is the skinny guy in sunglasses??;)

Looks like you all had a bunch of fun, and did some big time loggin'! Wish I could'a been there!

Ken Hill
11-20-2010, 6:04 PM
Roger,they got Oak, red and white, Sycamore, Cherry, Persimmon, Hickory and Maple, some spalted Maple and Walnut. Some of the white oak crotch pieces are seriously rich in color and grain, I cant wait to see what they turn out of them!

Thanks, its amazing what you can do with a Walmart green and White Insta-matic!

Ken Hill
11-20-2010, 6:15 PM
Since Tony couldnt make it, we cut him out some big pieces of maple! Tony, I sent a piece I cut and sealed the other day...it should yield a 18 or 20 inch platter!


Blanks soon to be turned into many many things!


To say Baxter likes this wood turning stuff would be an understatement!


Ken Hill
11-20-2010, 6:21 PM
Just 3 guys discussing their wood:cool::eek::D


You can add your own caption on this one haha!


Ken Hill
11-20-2010, 6:32 PM
I couldnt live without my Ranger!


My wife Bridget made sure everyone had plenty of food and drinks when they wanted them


I'm tellin' ya, the Vortex has him and he is heading to the point of no return!


Ken Hill
11-20-2010, 6:34 PM
Thats about all I have, others took plenty of pictures as well so I will be awaiting them to post them up!! It was great having you guys here and cant wait to arrange another meeting...and if more folks come we can do alot more demonstrating....I have the room I think:D Thanks for coming Dan, Mike, Baxter and Peter!

Pictured L-R
Peter, Dan, Baxter, Mike and Myself

Roger Chandler
11-20-2010, 6:40 PM
What a great day! Great weather, great fellowship, and some future masterpieces from the panhandle of West Virginia!

Man, I wish I could have made it today........you guys did good! Ken, your generosity is truly notable, and I am sure all appreciated it.

If another get together comes along, I want to get in on it if possible.

Great pics Ken, and we do hope Baxter and others will also post theirs.

Ray Bell
11-20-2010, 6:45 PM
Looks like a lot of work, a lot of fun, and some great wood. It was very nice of you Ken to host this. Baxter looks like he knows what he is doing with that chain saw. Very straight cuts getting rid of the pith.

Ken Hill
11-20-2010, 6:47 PM
Roger, the other guys will attest to the amount of wood I have available. It isnt super fancy or exotic but it will produce some fine turnings. I do believe everyone got their fill, even Baxter who kept saying he really didnt need any more wood....as he walked to another piece and fired up his saw:D Baxter, many thanks for the wood you gave me, I cant wait to attack that Apple!

I think a few folks got to see how to cut up blanks and might have even picked up some tips along the way about what to look for etc. My doors always open, I am pretty much on vacation until the end of February then I hit the road for the 2011 season. After March 1st, some sundays is all I will have free until November again. As long as you all dont mind working outdoors, the winter will still provide us many chances at getting another group in here before March....and if anyone just needs to come get some wood just hollar and my place is yours.

Bernie Weishapl
11-20-2010, 6:55 PM
Wow now that looks like a good time had by everyone. Ken you have some mighty fine wood down in that area. When I visited Tony De Masi this summer I got some real big cherry and just got my coring system so it will be cored if we can quit traveling long enough. Hopefully after the holidays. Our biggest cherry here is maybe 8 to 9" in diameter.

Ken Hill
11-20-2010, 7:00 PM
Bernie, I have a huge Cherry that I had hoped to get down and ready in time for this weekend, but the wet weather made it to slick on that hillside to get to it. I'd say its 20 inches or better easily! I told Baxter about it and he started getting that "look" in his eye:D

Here is the complete gallery so those that were here can download and save the images if they would like! Just a warning, right after Baxter left, Gauge (one of my Labs) tree'd a big buck squirrel that had been tormenting the dogs all summer in that big Sycamore that used to be infront of our picture window. Well, when we let Gauge out, that tree rat did his usual run after squaring off but there wasn't no tree! My youngest son Ryan decided that Squirrel was big enough for eating, and with Gauge keeping him in another tree, Ryan got his Squirrel gun and soon had himself a snack! Those pics are in there (nothing gory) just a forewarning for those that arent into hunting and such. See, yall just missed chicken fried Squirrel!


Dan Hintz
11-20-2010, 7:49 PM
Don't let Ken fool you... there was some SWEET wood to be had. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with it yet, but I picked up a sweet Walnut slab...

If you look real close, there is some great movement right in the middle of the slab, and I'm willing to bet I can get quite a few pen and bottle stopper blanks out of it.

Now I have a use for my new 18", 3HP bandsaw :D

Chris Stolicky
11-20-2010, 7:58 PM
Looks like fun was had by all. Can't wait to see what everyone comes up with.

Ken Hill
11-20-2010, 8:03 PM
Dang Dan...yall slipped that slab past me:eek:

Dan Hintz
11-20-2010, 8:07 PM
Your wife helped me load it into the back of Mike's truck... was I supposed to leave it for you? I guess we both thought you had enough with those entire logs of walnut, persimmon, maple, and oak.

Ken Hill
11-20-2010, 8:08 PM
LOL...wood is wood to her haha

Tony De Masi
11-20-2010, 8:10 PM
What a great gathering. I sure am sad to have missed it. I know Mike and Peter personally and I know Dan and Baxter only from the postings here. If there is another gathering I'll do my best to make that one.

Ken, thank you for setting aside some maple for me. I guess Peter told you what I was looking for.

David E Keller
11-20-2010, 8:13 PM
Thanks for posting the pics, Ken. I wish I could have been there... It looks like a lot of fun.

Dan, that's a sweet looking piece of walnut!

Ken Hill
11-20-2010, 8:13 PM
Yep Tony, big haha! Baxter and I cut into a huge piece of maple but it was just fairly plain. Tomorrow I am going to cut it up into blanks just incase someone wants big pieces..I hate to see it as firewood!

Tony De Masi
11-20-2010, 8:16 PM
Ken, big blanks of maple are good, even the plain ones. I've made several lagre salad bowls for folks out of em. I'm just out of the big stiff right now.

Ken Hill
11-20-2010, 8:17 PM
They will be cut, sealed and waiting on you;)

Aaron Wingert
11-20-2010, 8:51 PM
Great pics of what looks like a fun event Ken. Wish I were closer, looks like everyone had a great time and made a good haul.

Peter Elliott
11-20-2010, 8:53 PM
It was a great time today, I met Dan before as I get my work laser'd by him.

Mike, Ken and Baxter were all fresh faces to me but I can tell you that new friendships were made today.

Mike - has a real nice setup on the side of the mountain with horses, shop, etc. We got to look at his gloat scores from craigslist. Had a nice chat with his lovely wife about the horses, Thai food and Washington, DC., your a lucky man Mike!

Baxter - well, when I saw the Redsox sticker I knew he was a keeper. Nice fellow and we gave him a new nick name.. Baxter-Magoo.. It hit me when we saw a kid on his bmx bike pass Baxter's van en route to Kens. Some funny stuff! All kidding aside, a wealth of knowledge and great personality.

Ken and Bridgette, wow! thanks for the hospitality. From sawing up the tree's to the home made cookies and Maryland crab soup. It truly shows that we are surronded by good people wanting to help others out. Nice shop tour and a 1st for me, powder coating booth in his shop! I got to try his bird calls and duck call. But ended up seeing the cows across the street move in my direction. Dan had better luck! Honestly, big thanks for the TRUCK LOAD of maple, walnut, oak, persimmon and pen blanks.

Dan - so pumped up that we called Tool Nut on the spot - in the woods and shopped lathes! Dan has the master plan to fit all the new tools in his shop and I can't wait to see it.. There is no doubt the mastermind will make it all work.

It was a great day! Non-stop wood talk and in good fashion we were all LATE getting back to our homes or what we told the wives when we "thought" we would be home.. My kind of day! (well Baxter maybe not, probably take extra day to get back to DE and I think this is normal for him).

Warning - If you make a trip out to Ken's.. forget the cell phone, gps - wiz bang navigation stuff. It's got to be done "old school" with a printed map. We learned the hard way, my neck still hurts from all the turning around!

Tony D. - I have your maple bowl blanks but holding them for ransom! see you soon!

Thanks again Ken and I know it's not going to be the last time we see each other.


Mike Cruz
11-20-2010, 11:43 PM
It is 11;15 and I finally got through all the posts and am getting to add my .02. Unfortunatly, there's nothing to say that hasn't already been said.

The hospitality of Ken and his wife Bridget was amazing to say the least. The cookies, the stew, the sweet tea (Bridget had me at the cookies and sweet tea alone)... Ken REALLY wants to give this stuff away. I think was hurt that we didn't take more. I, unlike Baxter, KNOW when to say when, and I said WHEN...then I took anohter piece. :D

Ken's got a LOT of wood, guys. Especially oak...white and red. I ended up with a 4' long, 8" diameter fairly straight log of Persimmon, and two logs that we had almost passed up totally that look to be Hickory. They have some great spots in a circle when looking at the end grain. As long as I ceter the blank in the log chunks, they look like they will come out perfectly symetrically.

As for Baxter bringing wood...OMG, apple, burled holly, and plum! Two of my pieces that I took home were of the burled holly and plum...two things I don't see every day.

I had a great time. Thanks all for the great time. Hope to see you again...soon. And if you all are having another get together, I'd love to join in again. And hopefully my arms will allow me to join in the fun! Standing around watching you guys cutting up the wood is getting REALLY old!

Here are my shots:

First up is Ken and Baxter cutting up some wood at the same time. Ken is on some maple and Baxter is on some oak crotch.


Baxter splitting up that crotch log.


Close up of that (or maybe it was a different) oak crotch.


Peter, Dan, and my haul home. Dan's wood is in the buckets. I have five (two from Baxter) logs. Guess who's the rest is...:rolleyes:


The spread. Wow is all I can say.


Patners in crime from left to right:
Peter, Mike, Ken, Baxter, and Dan.


Baxter Smith
11-21-2010, 12:16 AM
They were late arriving, I think they stopped at one of the "Jiggly" joints on the way here !:eek:
No "jiggly joints"..... Mike just told me to stop by his house first with Dan so he could show me the scenic way to Ken's. And he did! I've never seen a white Chevy truck stop and turn around as many times as I did today!

Got home around 9 after a great day in West Virginia. Thank you Ken for having us. Ken, Dan, Mike, and Peter, I thoroughly enjoyed meeting all of you. Ken, please thank Bridget again for the great food and hospitality. I should have come in again before I left to say thanks. Tell her I would have had had room for a second bowl of crab soup or sausage if she hadn’t brought out those warm cookies first!
I will try and post some pictures tomorrow of my “haul”. My camera was the only thing that made it out of the van with me tonight…the rest can wait till tomorrow. Here are a few pictures I took at the end of the day. Should have taken more during the day but I was “focused” on other things.:D And you can only have so many “foremen”. :)

I already had a good variety of wood loaded, but was curious to see what this one might look like inside,
so Ken had a go at it and I got to play…… Not that I hadn’t been!

“I think I need a bigger bar”
“but that won’t stop me”
“Time to clean out”

Baxter Smith
11-21-2010, 12:19 AM
“I’m getting there”
“Just got to roll this over. Wish he would put down that camera and do something usefull!”
I’m getting tired just watching Ken!
“Phew, this idiot better take something now!”
By the time Ken was done working, I was worn out! Hate to say it but
I had lost my enthusiasm for moving all of the wood in my van around to try and load a piece of plain maple that even the two of us probably couldn’t have picked up. Now if it had been the monster cherry………I would have found some enthusiasm and room somewhere!
Thanks again Ken for your great hospitality. Enjoyed our conversation and hearing about all the things you’re into.

Ken Fitzgerald
11-21-2010, 12:43 AM
I don't normally talk like this but .....................

The whole bunch of you suck!

I am not the least envious......

Congrats! I truly am envious! Good wood, friendship and food. Hard to beat that!

Ken Hill
11-21-2010, 5:15 AM
No worries Baxter, I bought the lost story:D Mike, anytime, and I hope that elbow heals up! peter...keep an eye on the next couple of sundays, the fish should bite great as long as it remains warm! Dan, you will have a blast turning, of that I have no doubt!

Bridget said it was her pleasure and thanks to all for coming, now she has a few less pieces of wood to deal with!

It's 5:13 AM.....the saw will fire up at day break, who's ready for more haha!

And thanks for teaching me how to pronounce "Finial"

Mike Cruz
11-21-2010, 7:21 AM
Baxter, what? After all that, no close up pics of the big chuck that Ken just cut up? I was looking forward to seeing what it looked like inside. Looked like it was all going to be fairly straight grained, but will the size of that, and it being maple, I would have thought there was some curl in it, at least...

John Keeton
11-21-2010, 7:27 AM
Looks like you guys had a blast!! Ken, I am curious - are you clearing for another house site? That is a beautiful piece of land. I have been through WV many, many times - some of the best looking woods in the country.

Dan Hintz
11-21-2010, 8:21 AM
I, unlike Baxter, KNOW when to say when, and I said WHEN...then I took anohter piece. :D
That was pretty funny... I bet Bridgette $10 you would pick up another piece after you kept repeating "I'm done, I'm done!". Couldn't have been 30 seconds later you said "I'll split this one piece with you..." :D Sucker!

And those cookies! Man, hot, right out of the oven, and my favorite... reminded me of all of the times I helped my mom bake them when I was knee high to a grasshopper.

A good time by all, it's just a shame we had to leave. Amy wanted me home by 5, but I didn't get in until 6:30. I was met with cold burgers and cold stares :( I had to snuggle with my bandsaw last night for warmth!

Ken Hill
11-21-2010, 9:01 AM
Looks like you guys had a blast!! Ken, I am curious - are you clearing for another house site? That is a beautiful piece of land. I have been through WV many, many times - some of the best looking woods in the country.

John, the reasons we are clearing are varied really. We bought this house with almost 7 acres and the lot that ajoined it, almost another 7 acres 7 years ago with the thought that eventually we could sell and buy a much larger acerage parcel further into the state. We paid a very reasonable price and we should do very well on it if the market can just turn back a little and the economy picks up, which I figure is still 3 years out easily. My oldest son will be mostly through college by that time and my youngest will be nearing the end of high school so the timing was right to make things happen to fit the 3 to 5 year date to resell.

My neighbor wants the second parcel and ive already expressed my asking price and he has agreed to it, I will not sell it for less as even with this economy I can quadruple what I paid for it (20k, now comparable land today is selling for 100k unperked) He does not want another home being built on that parcel so he will be forced to pay residential pricing, not unimproved land pricing! Worst case, he cant do the deal when the time comes and I sell to another buyer looking to build. It is ofcourse a gamble as any land sale but it should work well regardless.

So, in the meantime and being a practicle person (somewhat haha) I figured I would clear cut the top, select cut the sides and earn some cash to offset some bills from the timber sales. Im sure not making much on it but it is better then teh tops being blown out and tree's dying. I should have timbered it when I bought it and would have had less loss with bad timber, a lesson learned that I will apply to the next property I buy.

Once the loggers are done, I will clear the top ridge and sell the firewood next fall, ofcourse keeping myself fully stocked to keep pace with my intended departure date(store in log form) Later this winter, I will start prepping the open ground for food plots for the deer and hopefully teh thick tops and concurrent rapid growth of the understory will benefit the Grouse and Turkeys, giving us the chance to have some hunting and viewing as well as more learning about what I will need to do or look for in my next purchase. My oldest son will be heading to college to become a Wildlife Biologist so none of this can hurt as he will be getting hands on expierence and at some point shoudl be able to offer his insights as to what may work best. My other neighbor majored in Forestry and Wildlife Biology and has been onboard helping me plan it all out.

I do apologise for the long response, but it is hard to sum up 3 to 5 years worth of plans in a few sentences! Now, the ultimate end game will have us on a minimum of 100 acres where by I intend to high fence atleast 5 acres to raise my own deer for use in my Photography as well as to sell the off spring and semen of the bucks I intend to raise, which is quite lucritive from what I understand.

God willing, we will live out our dream and I will get to enjoy it before I move on to higher places. I figure even if I pass on before my time, my kids and their kids will have a homestead to call thier own, something my father dreamed of but couldnt manage.

I have already begun getting the info on what I will need to become licensed to raise the deer and have visited several operations already to see first hand and I think I will be able to meet my goals!
Here is one operation I have visited, albiet on a much smaller scale then I intend. He specializes in Albino and Piebald


John Keeton
11-21-2010, 9:55 AM
Ken, neat plan! We owned a hunting store for 13 years, and our largest vendor of scents was Jackie's Deer Lures (http://www.jackiesdeerlures.com/). I think Jackie has sold the business, but it is still active.

We had a couple of large cookouts each year (would feed about 1700 folks!!), and Jackie would bring a couple of his bucks for promotion. They were small bodied deer, but my gosh, the racks were HUGE!!!:eek: Really drew a crowd. I understand he sold one of them for well over $20,000! So, yes, there can be money made in it, but it is not effort free. Jackie struggled with it.

However, you obviously are not afraid of hard work, and my guess is, the plan will work! I wish you the best with it.

And, Dan, things could be worse at home - once you start turning, your bandsaw and lathe may be the only tools in your shop to pay you any mind!:o My tablesaw hardly speaks to me any more!! I can't even recall the last time I shared time with my jointer!

Cathy Schaewe
11-21-2010, 10:01 AM
Boy, that looks like it was fun! And great wood! The wood comparison shots were amusing, too!:eek::rolleyes:

Norm Zax
11-21-2010, 10:50 AM
Great pics!! All look absorbed in the wood frenzy!

Mike Cruz
11-21-2010, 10:50 AM
Dan, I was wondering how that was going to go...

Hey, I didn't even GET to my computer 'til 11:00 last night...I was really late to this party. :o

charlie knighton
11-21-2010, 11:16 AM
looks like a good time indeed

Mike Cruz
11-21-2010, 11:52 AM
Not sure, but we think this is Hickory. Sorry, didn't take any pics of the bark, but what drew me to this was the dark dots. I got two logs of it, so I ought to get 4 bowls...:D

Bill Bolen
11-21-2010, 11:53 AM
What a fun read and excellent pic's. Congrat's on a fun time to all. Man....I wish Missouri wasn't so far away. I would have loved joining in...Bill...

Dan Hintz
11-21-2010, 1:03 PM
If I find time later this evening, I'll try and take some pics of some of my "other" picks...

Baxter Smith
11-21-2010, 3:11 PM
Here is my part of the haul!
A couple pieces of 9 inch cherry and a 9 and 10 inch walnut. Don’t have to worry about losing any bark if I do a NE one. Ken said it had been down a couple of years. Other than a couple of checks that went all the way to the pith, it looked surprisingly solid.

A couple crotch pieces of white oak that should yield close to a 10-12 inch platter if the wood and my tools cooperate.
Also a couple of 16 inch sycamore pieces. Will core one and depending on the appearance, may try to spalt the other.
A couple of 10” hickory, though I think the one on the right may be too far gone in the middle.
Thanks again Ken! I know I missed out on the persimmon, gum, maple, spalted maple, and red oak but I have enough to keep me busy for the rest of the week.
Good luck with the apple. I tried to trim so there were no cracks anywhere in the apple I brought. But if some develop, turn them away! There were plenty of bark inclusions in that tree as well. They are ok. Just add a drop of thin CA to them unless they are on the rim. Then get rid of them. If I remember correctly, three of those pieces should make decent bowls.

Lots of deer and partridge have fed on and under that tree over the last 100 years. It grew in a somewhat low area below our pond so plenty of woodcock were poking around under it too. Not to mention the occasional moose. With a history like that, the other piece might make some good calls! The birch is still spalting but will last until you get into the hollowforms. Then you can put a holly finial on top!

And of course Mike couldn’t let me leave his place on the way back without giving me a couple pieces of walnut for a hollow form.
I think he wanted me to have a souvenir from the walnut he cut up a few weeks ago. If I couldn’t drive over for a beautiful 17-18 inch slab of walnut, then I could have a piece of a cut up one!:eek: I think I shall make one into a bottle stopper though. I might need a drink whenever I am reminded of it! :(;)

Now I just need to get out of this chair and go put the stuff into my woodshed!

Mike Cruz
11-21-2010, 3:13 PM
Well, yesterday really got my juices flowing. :D Another kick in the butt was my wife asking me if there was any way to "organize" the wood that is sitting in front of my shop...:rolleyes: Well, there's one way... LUCKILY my helper was here today, and while very proficient with a chainsaw at cutting firewood, he didn't know the first thing about cutting up a log for turning. So a short explanation later, we (he) cut up what we suspected to be hickory...Ahhhh the sweet telltale smell. Nuttin' like it...

Thanks Ken! And I would run out there and grab that other piece that looked just like this one!

Mike Cruz
11-21-2010, 3:32 PM
Great haul, Baxter. Cut up that hickory! Look at the pics I posted of what it looks like inside! Beautiful stuff... Great meeting you and I hope our paths cross again.

Baxter Smith
11-21-2010, 4:15 PM
...Cut up that hickory!....
I just came in from doing that Mike. While I was putting the stuff away I noticed that it had already started to crack from the pith outward in two different directions. I don't think I cut the ends of the hickory pieces yesterday before anchorsealing. Hopefully just removing the pith will be enough untill I get to it later this week. You might want your helper to remove a little more if he only split it. Just keep an eye on it.

Ken Hill
11-21-2010, 5:03 PM
Baxter, I turned a piece of that apple this morning at 5 am! the wife had a hand in the design (something she liked) and I HOPE that a mistake will actually work out to be an excellent addition to the bowl! BTW...I believe its steadyrest time:o (not a word John!) And you didnt miss out, its still here haha!

I actually had it to final thickness when I got chatter. It was a tad to bad to turn out and in a location that would have ruined the flow...so I came in a did some reading and went back out and did my best "on purpose" type chatter. It looks like a machine did it! I bet I will never ever ever duplicate it! I knew that apple had special qualities and meaning and I wasnt going down without a fight! It is soaking in DNA now where it will remain for a minimum of a week.

Mike, I cut several of the hickory pieces today and sealed them I saw no checks but I did cut them fresh and sealed...more here so no worries!

Ken Hill
11-21-2010, 5:19 PM
BTW...I let the neighborhood sleep in until 6:30.....then I went to work on the landing. You guys did not make a dent in it:D


David DeCristoforo
11-21-2010, 5:28 PM
OK. That tears it. Wherever it is you guys live... I'm moving there!

Faust M. Ruggiero
11-21-2010, 6:36 PM
It looks like the boys had a great time. Baxter might have been a lumberjack in his other life. He looks that comfortable with a chain saw. Mike, you better get that lathe fired up. You have a lot of blanks to start on. Ken, I'm not sure when the last time was that I met (though we haven't met) someone as genuinely gracious as you. I'm 4 hours away but if you do it again during the cold weather, also my off season, I'll be there. The wood looks wonderful but the fellowship is amazing.

Ken Hill
11-21-2010, 7:06 PM
I will keep gathering anything I see worthwhile as I clear the woods ..after deer season. Then Bear season comes in so the next few weeks I wont be doing much besides sitting in a stand and working close to the house....ever see a guy swing a chainsaw with a rifle on his shoulder:eek:

After the next 2 weeks, im pretty good though on sundays so as ive stated...come on down..up or over!

David DeCristoforo
11-21-2010, 8:00 PM
"Then Bear season comes in..."

OK... never mind. I take it back....

Ken Hill
11-21-2010, 8:03 PM
California has some nice bears in it!!!

alex carey
11-21-2010, 8:42 PM
That walnut slab looks amazing.

Mike Cruz
11-21-2010, 9:18 PM
I think Dan has some fessin' up to do...:rolleyes:

Roger Chandler
11-21-2010, 10:12 PM
I'll say one thing.............all you guys that made it to Ken's have certainly livened up this forum the last couple of days!

I think you may have started something Ken! I have a feeling the next time you may have more hands on deck than you realize. What you did is truly a nice thing, and all you guys came away happy with the experience and of course, the wood ain't bad either! ;)

It would not surprise me if a few of these wood haul days crept up around the country. It would be a nice happening wherever it might happen.

Ken Hill
11-21-2010, 10:31 PM
Its all good Roger. In 2002, our fledgling atv site arranged a group ride. We got around 11 people at a local MX track. 3 months later we did another one and had over 100 riders....and its grown to over 300 at our rides now. I think many feel cautious about something like this, but once they see its just regular people interested in the same thing, the fact that its "internet" based starts to disappear.

As far as the wood, well, as Baxter and I discussed, you can only turn so much of one type before you need something new, and I will have my fill of the woods here for years to come so sharing what I do have is no big deal. It really boils down to meeting face to face the folks we chat with online and learning. I watched baxter saw up blanks and it re-affirmed I was doing it for the most part the correct way, or accepted way. Others asked about what to look for and others were happy to show them.

Im always on the look out for wood, and my contacts grow daily it seems. Once they know you turn, they start looking and the next thing you know you have a forest in your driveway! Im fortunate enough to have the room to store the logs where others can not. I usually keep a saw in the truck at all times, you just never know what will be found in your travels. I know others dont have this luxury and again, if I have more then I need im happy to pass it along, so hopefully more meetings/gatherings can take place here or elsewhere. During bear season, I will be on 17,000 acres of timbered and non timbered ground....as long as it dont snow I hope to be looking for wood...and bears:D

My entire wood working deal got started because I love slab wood furniture and hoped to cut my own slabs and turn out a few end and coffee tables. Some how that lead me to turning.....ofcourse I can quit at anytime:cool::D Still havent made the first table either LOL!

Baxter Smith
11-21-2010, 10:42 PM
Baxter, I turned a piece of that apple this morning at 5 am! .....

Glad the apple had you that excited! I know I told you that you shouldn't put it off too long, but a bit more than 13 hours would have been ok!:D The tub you put it in should keep it without a problems for a while as long as its kept cool and somewhat closed.

At 5 am I may have thought about turning a bowl....but have yet to get
myself vertical to do it. Don't see it happening either. Being up at 5 am to go get wood on the other hand....:D.

I am looking forward to seeing the chatter!

Ken Hill
11-22-2010, 4:47 AM
I may invest in a tool that does this, and maybe other texturing tools for regular plain bowls. Maybe it will help add to a blank canvas:D

We even saved every wood chip from that bowl. The wife applied no pressure....she would step out and remind me to not screw it up..."That nice man brought that wood all the way to you, you do a good job on it understand":eek: She backed off when she asked what I was turning a bit later and I told her a club:D;)

Maybe if im lucky enough to harvest a nice Buck this morning, I will use those apple chips to smoke some deer sausage:D

Mike Cruz
11-22-2010, 10:21 AM
Alex, that slab wasn't from Ken's place... Dan must have pulled that from the internet somewhere... He is ever the joker.

Rob Cunningham
11-22-2010, 1:00 PM
Looks like everybody had a great time and the weather was prefect.
Sorry I couldn't attend :(

Ken Hill
11-22-2010, 2:26 PM
I turned out a piece of Hickory today....grabbed it from the firewood pile and rough turned it



Roger Chandler
11-22-2010, 3:12 PM
Nice form Ken, and pretty wood. Pretty nice from a firewood pile.....that piece now has a second life!

Mike Cruz
11-22-2010, 3:24 PM
Thanks for the pic, Ken. Gives me an idea of what to expect my blanks to look like. Did this piece have the "dark dots" in the end grain of the log like the ones I took? (Look at the pics I posted.) Man I love the light and dark contrasts of the wood. I like your bowl, too. Great use of all that sapwood. Otherwise, it would be a shallow bowl if you just used heartwood. But even the sapwood is pretty dense on hickory.

Ken Hill
11-22-2010, 5:52 PM
Mike, it had the spots and the coloring is running throughout the sapwood, it looks really cool in person. This wasnt a crotch piece, just a piece I had cut for firewood so the crotch stuff should yield some very very nice turnings!

I wanted this one thick, and intend to keep it thick. Its about 5 inches deep x 8.5 in diamter.

Baxter Smith
11-22-2010, 7:22 PM
Ken, thats a nice shape that shows off the wood really well!

Jeff Nicol
11-22-2010, 7:55 PM
Ken, I get some hickory up here that looks like that and I think it is either from Wood"Peckers" or there is some disease that is killing a lot of the Bitternut Hickory trees up here in WI. Sometimes the spots are on certain growth rings and go all the way around the ring so that is why I think it is woodpeckers, because if you can find a boxelder with woodpecker tracks it will have a wonderful flame pattern all the way around the tree if the bird made the complete circle. It could be a sap sucker also because they like to go around the tree.

Nice wood and a great time!


Ken Hill
11-22-2010, 8:22 PM
Jeff, I have 3 pairs of Pileated Woodpeckers here that tear the heck out of the tree's, I would think you are dead on!

We get the Sapsuckers here in the spring...a whole ton of them.

Mike Cruz
11-22-2010, 10:40 PM
Jeff,is this what you are talkng about?
