View Full Version : Tool Holder Idea's

Greg Bender
11-20-2010, 12:33 PM
I have finished my elbo style hollower and was curious what other's had made as far as there tool holders went.What type of capability did you create and what type of cutters work the best.I have some idea's of my own but I'm not sure if my approach is correct since I've not used a hollowing system yet.Any pictures that give away details will be appreciated.All pictures will be appreciated actually!

I'm especially interested in articulated nuckle type setups.And are you using scraper type cutters or small narrow cutters captured under a screw and fender washer design.Thanx for all responses in advance.My elbo type setup is below

Richard Madden
11-20-2010, 11:45 PM
Greg, With my homemade articulated arm hollower I use the Don Pencil Scorpion and Stinger tool holders. The DP system was purchased a couple years ago, so I just use them along with a Jordan 1/2" bent arm. Sorry, not much help.

Greg Bender
11-21-2010, 9:46 PM
Thanx for the reply, Does DP have a web site of there tooling.I'm working on some tools that are similar to the Hollow Fast Hollower in the new Packard catalog.I am basically trying to avoid making the same mistakes that the guys that have already built there stuff have gone through.The Rolly Munro Hollower with the articulated arm is my next conquest. Thanx again,

Richard Madden
11-21-2010, 10:53 PM
Greg, Here's the link to Don Pencil's website; http://www.donpencil.com/