View Full Version : CA Glue on my bushings

Jeff Walters
11-20-2010, 10:55 AM
I have begun using CA glue to finish my pens and I need to get it off the bushings but I haven't found a good way to do it without damaging the bushings themselves. Any tips out there?


Michael James
11-20-2010, 11:02 AM
My woodcraft guy suggested fingernail polish remover, but acetone does a better job.

Bernie Weishapl
11-20-2010, 11:07 AM
I soak mine is acetone. Cleans up pretty well. I also put a little wax on my bushings if I know I am going to use CA. Helps keep it from sticking. I have pretty much quit using CA and went to lacquer.

Larry Marley
11-20-2010, 11:09 AM
Hi Jeff,
before I apply the CA, I remove the pen blank and apply Johnson's paste wax to the ends of the tubes and to the bushings, then reinstall the pen onto the mandrel. No more sticking.

Dan Cannon
11-20-2010, 11:49 AM
this is an interesting thread for me, I was just experiencing a CA/Bushing issue as well. So far, I haven't had too much trouble getting the CA off with acetone, or with a scraper and a careful touch. But a bigger problem for me is getting the pen blank off the bushing without damaging the edge of the finish. the bushing seems to come off fine with a little wiggling, but I inevitably seem to have small pits or defects right along the edge of the blank where it broke free of the bushing. Will the wax trick mentioned above help this???


Larry Marley
11-20-2010, 11:54 AM
That was my problem. I saw a video, i think on YouTube, that used the past wax. worked for me

Ken Fitzgerald
11-20-2010, 12:37 PM
Paste wax works for me.

Finger nail polish used to be acetone. For health reasons, they changed the formula. I use acetone.

Jim Silva
11-20-2010, 1:58 PM
As others have said, Acetone is the solvent of choice.
They sell a "Super Glue Release Agent" that is made of (wait for it...) Acetone but for more money lol.

You can also warm the bushings with a hair dryer or heat gun and scrape off the glue. (Just remove pen first ;))
The heat gun/hair dryer also works great for epoxy on metal and if VERY careful, wood. (Fire and cracking can result on wood so only if you've run out of options and are good at judging temps.)

While on the subject, plain rubbing alcohol works great as a solvent for cleaning up epoxy you accidentally get on your wife's countertop or on other things it's not supposed to be on. (So I've heard:rolleyes:)


David E Keller
11-20-2010, 4:13 PM
I use paste wax to keep it from sticking(when I remember to do it). I often just use my skew to clean off the bushings, but I'd imagine acetone would work as well.

James Combs
11-20-2010, 8:37 PM
I also had some major sticking issues using CA finishing but I saw an overlie thread on the use of paste wax to solve the problem and I haven't had the issue since.

Bill Buchanan IN
11-20-2010, 9:43 PM
Paste wax or bees wax on the the bushings before using CA but, except where wood would contact the wax where glue would be used as part of the installation . . if glue is used at all. Any glue and wax doesn't mix well.
Acetone will take the CA off. Often times though it may even chip off.

Jeff Fagen
11-20-2010, 11:52 PM
I don't have many problems with buildup or sticking.
I use medium CA glue and apply 5 or 6 coats sanding between coats and finish with "Nu Finish" liquid car polish.:)
The bushings are pretty clean when finished.

Jeff Walters
11-24-2010, 3:55 PM
Thank you all for your advice. The idea of using paste wax was so siple I am embarrased that I didn't think if it.

I appreciate your help and will update once I have had a chance to try it.
