View Full Version : I love getting a new widget

Karl Brogger
11-19-2010, 7:00 PM

http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs1169.snc4/154114_1577633251978_1570037517_31368996_1595194_n .jpg

Dan Friedrichs
11-19-2010, 7:05 PM
Ok....what is it? :D

John Grabowski
11-19-2010, 7:10 PM
Ditto...take the shipping rap off and show us your gloat.

John Grabowski

Robert Reece
11-19-2010, 7:49 PM
I agree, you must be proud of those two new hammers there!

Karl Brogger
11-19-2010, 7:52 PM
I agree, you must be proud of those two new hammers there!

I am. There's a lot of time polishing those babies!

Glenn Frazer
11-19-2010, 9:15 PM
Kreg fraceframe table?

Karl Brogger
11-19-2010, 9:39 PM
http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs1220.snc4/155227_1577633371981_1570037517_31368997_4635090_n .jpg

Glenn Frazer
11-19-2010, 9:50 PM
I was close :rolleyes: Assembly table for doors and such? What kind of clamping force can that apply compared to say k bodies?

Jaze Derr
11-19-2010, 10:04 PM
What a nice....thing....

what is it? :P

Karl Brogger
11-19-2010, 10:36 PM
I was close :rolleyes: Assembly table for doors and such? What kind of clamping force can that apply compared to say k bodies?

Door clamp.

I don't know what kind of force it puts out, but its adequate. No experience with K-bodies, but you can go excessive pretty easily with a Pony pipe clamp.

I can't wait to use it. I've been wanting one for a long time. I missed one on an online auction two or three years ago for $900. I screwed up putting my bid in, and didn't confirm it the second time.

I should have bought it two weeks ago when I built almost a hundred doors and paneled drawer fronts.

mreza Salav
11-19-2010, 10:40 PM
excuse my ignorance (didn't know there is such a thing), but I cannot figure out: if it's going to be used as a clamp, then it can be used only one door at a time? I mean you leave a door there until glue settles and then next door? how does it speed up things?

Mike Heidrick
11-19-2010, 10:44 PM
Looks supe sweet. No JLT huh?

Karl Brogger
11-19-2010, 10:48 PM
excuse my ignorance (didn't know there is such a thing), but I cannot figure out: if it's going to be used as a clamp, then it can be used only one door at a time? I mean you leave a door there until glue settles and then next door? how does it speed up things?

I glue up the parts. Clamps them, bang it square on the ends with a block and hammer, nail the joints with brads, then glue up the next door. When the next door is ready to go in, the one that is currently clamped comes out.

If you're in a good rhythm it takes about 30 seconds a door to assemble them.

Some shops will have two guys assembling doors. One guy glueing and loosely assembling, the other guy squaring the door and nailing it.

I prefer it being a one man job as the man hours are about the same, but the extra time the doors spends in the clamp seems to help.

There's four clamps there, and all four can be used to square and clamp the door at once, but it tends to be bothersome moving all the clamps, all the time, to accommodate different length/width doors. Where as if you tap them square into the corner it doesn't take long and I think you get a better result in better time.

Karl Brogger
11-19-2010, 10:54 PM
Looks supe sweet. No JLT huh?

JLT makes good stuff. I've got a 12' clamp rack by them and I couldn't imagine life with out it now, I just don't care for their door clamps. I like the peg board style the most. There's a handful of manufacturers but I like the dimensions, and angle of the table on the Unique. Ritter makes a nice one as well, but its flippin' huge.

I will at some point be buying the JLT glue pot for glueing up the ends of stiles.

Next year. I think I'm going to be taking some of my write offs on a longer schedule anyway.

If J.R. Rutter reads this: What do you use for door assembly?