View Full Version : Organization memberships and such

Scott Hackler
11-19-2010, 12:27 AM
I am constantly looking this and the only other forum that I am a member of (WA) for inspiration, ideas and feedback from fellow turners. I get a lot of good quality info and fellowship, here.... but am always looking for more. More importantly to continue my quest towards gallery quality work.

My question to you learned turners is: What organizations are out there and worth joining?

Most of you have seen the direction my turnings have taken (more towards art and less towards utilitarian) and I have been thinking about an AAW membership or something like it. Are there any real benefits to this?

Are many of you AAW members? Are there other resources/online stops that can be recommended?

Just tryin to feed the mind! Thanks

Alan Trout
11-19-2010, 12:45 AM
I think the AAW is a great place to start. Just the magazine is worth the money. Also a local AAW chapter is another great place to start. If you get a chance also go to a regional or national symposium.

What is nice about a local chapter is the ability to bounce ideas off of your fellow club members in person. Also most clubs have very informative demonstrations.

Good Luck


Bill Blasic
11-19-2010, 7:33 AM
I agree with Allen and clubs usually have great libraries of videos and books and magazines to check out.

Tim Rinehart
11-19-2010, 7:57 AM
The magazine is a nice perk to AAW membership, but also the online resources available to members. Add into that the ability to participate in demonstrations with local clubs (insurance afforded to demonstrators at club functions when they are AAW members) you may elect to join, and it's a cheap deal.
Local clubs can't be beat for getting lots of hands-on experience and ability to bounce technique or tool questions off other turners. I have a great situation with 3 clubs within 25 miles of my home, so I can't say anything but great things about what I get from local clubs.
If you have a good drive to one, you will want to be a bit more selective to see what they are demonstrating or who they are bringing in, but for me, there's a nice amount of fellowship and cameraderie with 'the guys'. A couple of us go to all three club meetings every month...so we always have something going on to talk about or show off (wood/tool/project gloats).

Sean Troy
11-19-2010, 8:40 AM
South Kansas Woodturners
Meeting Location:
Boeing Employees Assn., facility located at 4226 Gold Street
Wichita, KS

Meeting Info: 9 AM 3rd Saturday Contact Information
Tony Wheeler
PO Box25
217 N 3rd
Wlton, KS 67151
Phone: 620-837-3100
Email: wheels327@embarqmail.com

Scott Hackler
11-19-2010, 9:32 AM
Sean, I am already a member of this club. Our monthly meeting is tomorrow but I have a funeral to attend so I wont make this months meeting. :( Tim you are spoiled, with three clubs locally! BTW I looked up that Russian fellow that is a member of your club and WOW!

Looks like a membership to AAW is in order.

Greg Just
11-19-2010, 9:41 AM
I'm a member of a local club, but have not yet joined AAW. Maybe in 2011.

Roger Chandler
11-19-2010, 10:20 AM
The AAW membership will allow you to get all the online information, and participate in many things, including educational grants and the forums. Their AAW journal is really great for gaining a sense of what is happening in the world of woodturning and you will find lots of "artsy' stuff with articles,etc, and in my opinion membership benefits are worth the cost..

Tim Rinehart
11-19-2010, 10:57 AM
Anatoly is a regular at our Charlotte Woodturners meetings and is a not just a superb 'large scale' woodturning artist, but also a nice guy to boot, as all our members are. He lives about 10 minutes from me, and I've seen him turn in person...quite a sight to behold. When he comes to the Charlotte meetings, he typically brings a piece for show and tell...using a handtruck to haul it in...no kidding.

Locally, we're indeed spoiled at these meetings, with many turners that have regional/national credits to their name who are regulars at the meetings.

Sean, I am already a member of this club. Our monthly meeting is tomorrow but I have a funeral to attend so I wont make this months meeting. :( Tim you are spoiled, with three clubs locally! BTW I looked up that Russian fellow that is a member of your club and WOW!

Looks like a membership to AAW is in order.

Bernie Weishapl
11-19-2010, 11:03 AM
Scott I belong to the AAW. I did attend a few meetings in Denver but is a fair drive at 3 hrs or so. The magazine is a good one and you can get lots of info along with lots of idea's. Since the kids are in Wichita I looked up the turning club down there. Not sure about how many meetings I could make but thought about it.

David Walser
11-19-2010, 12:29 PM

Here's a link to AAW's member benefit's page: http://www.woodturner.org/org/mbrship/

Allow me to highlight a few of the benefits that are listed and one that is not:

Access to all back issues of the American Woodturner. This is a new benefit. This a great source of knowledge and inspiration. You can even use a search function to find articles. If you are stuck for an idea, chances are you'll find the answer or inspiration you are looking for in a past issue of the American Woodturner.
AAW provided insurance for sponsored demonstrations. One of the best ways of getting your work known is to do demonstrations. One of the obstacles of doing demonstrations is the potential liability if someone were hurt while watching the demo. Many locations will not allow a demonstration unless there is an insurance policy in place covering the event. The AAW provides such insurance as long as the demonstration is sponsored by a local club and the demonstrator is a member of the AAW. So, if the local library or art gallery would like to have a woodturning demo, and if the demo is arranged through the a local woodturning club, the insurance issue is taken care of if you're a member of the AAW.
AAW Educational Opportunity Grants (EOG): Want to start teaching others to turn but worry that your skills might not be up to snuff? Or need some help acquiring the additional tools and supplies that teaching might require? The AAW EOG program allows members to apply for a grant of up to $1,000 to further woodturning education (which could include your attending a class or any number of other things). Local clubs may receive grants of up to $1,500.
Access to cool tools: This isn't listed as a benefit of AAW membership, but I think it's a real benefit of the AAW's existence. The AAW's annual symposium attracts a lot of woodturners each year. This, and the AAW's journal, gives companies the ability to efficiently market their new wares to potential buyers. Without the AAW to "organize the market", it's doubtful as many companies would be competing for our attention by coming up with new and better ways to turn things round. You don't have to be a member of the AAW to benefit from this, but the benefit would go away if enough of us choose not to be part of the AAW.
Hope this helps.