View Full Version : No-slide pads for glass?

Jamie Buxton
11-17-2010, 11:48 PM
Someplace I've seen transparent pads to go between a glass top and its support. The pads are about the size of a quarter, and the surface is high-friction -- kinda like the feel of silicone caulk -- but there's no adhesive. The point of the pad is to prevent the glass from sliding sideways. Anybody know what I mean, or what to call 'em when I'm searching?

(There are other products which are not what I'm looking for. I've found discs made from harder plastics, which are too slippery. I've found clear rubber bumpers intended to prevent cabinet doors from slamming. They're pretty thick, and don't have the high friction of the product I'm remembering.)

Chris Parks
11-18-2010, 8:50 AM
Make some from silicon gasket glue or similar. I would think it would be nearly invisible.

Forrest Bonner
11-18-2010, 1:19 PM
I use them under all my glass-topped shelves and furniture. I get mine at the local ACE Hardware. Their website url is http://www.acehardware.com/product/index.jsp?productId=1286406&kw=vinyl+pads&origkw=vinyl+pads&searchId=49926907724

Bill LaPointe
11-19-2010, 7:34 AM
I get mine from a local glass shop.