View Full Version : The wife wants stage...

Ken Hill
11-16-2010, 11:23 AM
We were discussing the upcoming holidays and the wife suggested that I should make something to hold cookies, (she is a baker-a-holic come holiday season!) and she wanted it to look like something you wouldn't see at any store.

So I explained to her that I could possibly make something but would need to order a piece of equipment to finish it in time for Turkey Day (Can you say vacuum Chuck LOL!)

In any event, here it is
Cherry that I harvested last year
9.5 inches across, 2 inches in depth, just shy of a 1/4 inch in thickness.

Once the VC arrives, I will finish it off! I applied a coat of BLO just to bring out the grain, its not near as yellowish now as it was when I took the pictures.




Roger Chandler
11-16-2010, 11:44 AM
Nice one Ken...........and congrats on getting a vacuum system!

Bill Bolen
11-16-2010, 11:50 AM
That should safely hold a bunch of cookies.And congrats on the quick thinking for the vc.:rolleyes:

Joe Aliperti
11-16-2010, 2:06 PM
So I explained to her that I could possibly make something but would need to order a piece of equipment to finish it in time for Turkey Day (Can you say vacuum Chuck LOL!)

That's how it's done, fellas! :cool::D

Looks like you're off to a great start! Looking forward to seeing the finished piece.

Christopher K. Hartley
11-16-2010, 2:21 PM
Ken, I really like this one with the larger patches of bark. It reminds me of as somewhat NE I am doing in Holly that you will see later. Great work as usual.

Now, let me make this observation...I have, during this time going into the holiday season, seen Nut Holders Cookie Holders and the like, but pleassssse, let us not forget poor Andy Hoyt. You know the guy who has the Santa like beard and the Grinch like outlook:rolleyes:. We must not forget his Ice Cream Bowl and Moxie Mug. The poor guy will certainly feel left out if we don't do something soon. And besides that; without his Ice Cream and Moxie fix, he will certainly be unbearable to live with:eek::D:D:D

bob svoboda
11-16-2010, 2:29 PM
Sure ain't no way to reverse that puppy other than a new vacuum chuck :D Nice job on the bowl and the vacuum chuck (pic's on arrival?)

Ray Bell
11-16-2010, 7:36 PM
How could you go wrong on a cookie bowl??? Even a shoe box would work for me if it held cookies.

Nice bowl though, I like the bark inclusion, and congrats on the vacuum system.

Michael James
11-16-2010, 10:22 PM
Like the bowl, love the accessory strategy!:cool:

Baxter Smith
11-16-2010, 10:40 PM
Leaving the bark on the bottom edges sets this one apart. Nice job!

Bernie Weishapl
11-16-2010, 10:48 PM
That is a really nice platter. Should hold a fair amount of cookies. I also like the bark which sets it off but makes for a better hand hold.

Ken Hill
11-17-2010, 5:19 AM

I hope when the new vacuum chcuk arrives and the bowl is ready to be remounted I can work the bottom a bit thinner in the center to about 1/3 away across. The bark inclusion prevented me from going deeper from the inside. If I cant get away with light cuts, the shape will allow me to power sand it down to where I want it.

John Keeton
11-17-2010, 6:48 AM
Ken, I really like the bark on this one. Very tough inside form to accomplish, but seems you did well. You are going to love the vacuum setup - sure makes finishing the bottom so much easier.

Light cuts toward the center!!;)

Tim Browne
11-17-2010, 10:07 AM
Here's another ataboy for the bark. Really sets the piece off as a custom made one.

... and she wanted it to look like something you wouldn't see at any store

If my wife gave me a store bought one to copy, it still wouldn't look like something you'd see at any store. :D