View Full Version : DAP Weldwood

John Grabowski
11-15-2010, 8:33 PM
I am trying to get the hang of this stuff... I want to start using it for laminations. I am worried that I don't have the right consistency or application technique.

As I follow the instructions for mixing, it turns into a dry paste and the it's almost impossible to spread.

That is 5parts powder to 3 parts water by weight. That's by the book.

Any suggestions??
Thanks in advance,

John G

Nelson Howe
11-15-2010, 9:15 PM
That consistency is too thick. The Tage Frid video shows him mixing it up, and emphasizes to add a little water to the powder first, stir it in and then keep adding water until it is the consistency of (I think) heavy cream. When I have used it, that's about what I've brought it to, with good results. I don't recall the exact proportion I used, though I think it was about what the container said. Mine says 5 parts powder to 3 parts water by weight, or 5 parts powder to 2 parts water by volume--any chance you mixed that up? Big letters: "Mixing by weight is recommended."

Temperature in your shop is important also, as it won't cure if it's too cold (check the container for the numbers). My basement shop was too cold, so I tented a shipping blanket around my glue up and put in a small lamp to generate a little heat (careful not to set the blanket on fire).

Wear gloves and mask: I guess it's kind of toxic.

Good luck,


Matt Meiser
11-15-2010, 10:28 PM
Its not also grainy too, is it? I'm trying to remember the exact details but I bought some which was out of date (turns out, since you need a secret decoder ring to read the date) and had a lot of problems getting it to mix and then to dry. I got some fresh stuff and it was better. However its not a real popular item at hardware stores so its a crap shoot whether you'll get fresh or not if you have them order it for you.

I've heard Unibond 800 recommended. http://www.vacupress.com/veneerglue.htm

John Grabowski
11-16-2010, 10:55 AM
I guess I will just go with unibond or the uric that david marks uses when the time comes.

This batch that I have is crap and I done wasting money on something that I can't guarantee to work.

I appreciate the input.

John G

Ed Calkins
11-16-2010, 11:32 AM
I think my question is within the topic of your thread. I also want to laminate some boards into an approx 6" by 72" curved board for a table I am (trying) to build. I will resaw some Ash into approx 1/4" boards to do this. I have been trying to figure out the glue considering I will need sufficient time to clamp etc. Unibond 800 has been mentioned, is this good for laminations as well as veneer? I also am concerned about getting mys shop to the 65 degs they suggest. Also weldwood has been suggested and I read the comments in this thread. I also read that water based glues are not good to use. Maybe I have too much information and not enough knowledge. What glue should I use? The table will be for indoor use only. thks, Ed

Chip Lindley
11-16-2010, 2:48 PM
If you can find the "fresh" stuff, Weldwood powdered glue is good for waterproof uses. It is water-based, which may cause warping of thin wood parts. It has a dark glueline which may be objectionable.

I found a survey of different glue-types with their general plus's and minus's.


The Unibond 800 sounds quite promising for lamination if you can support it's cost. Of course, larger quantities of 2-part epoxy are pricy too.