View Full Version : Tips on turning makeup brush handles

Tom Hamilton
11-15-2010, 8:14 PM
Hi fellow Turners:

I've got a six pack of makeup brushes that need handles by Christmas. Are there any special methods, pitfalls, tips or techniques that you all can share with me?

I'm thinking the handle should be about 6 inches long with graceful and functional features to fit a woman's hand. I assume that the handle should have a flat base the same diameter as the brush head and CA will marry the two pieces forever.

Does this sound right?

I await your collective wisdom.

Tom, in Douglasville, excited to get started on these.

David E Keller
11-15-2010, 9:17 PM
I've never done them... Any chance you could post some photos of the brush heads? That may get the juices flowing.

Jon McElwain
11-15-2010, 11:21 PM
I assume that the handle should have a flat base the same diameter as the brush head and CA will marry the two pieces forever.

I would have guessed that you would want to inset the brush into a recess in the end of the turned handle...

Of course, I have never done one so who knows! :)

Tony Wheeler
11-15-2010, 11:36 PM
turn a tenion on one end mount in chuck then shape the handle and drill or turn out for the brush then turn off the end of handle from the tenion and sand the end of course I assumed that you finish the handle before cutting it loose of the tenion anyway that is the way I do them have not had any complaints but they were gifts

Tom Hamilton
11-16-2010, 7:36 AM
Here's a pic and the dimensions.


Size - handle width 1.088 - handle height .775 - overall height 2.245

Maybe turning a small hollow form (I'm thinking socket or straight sided cup), to cover the plastic base and then attaching a handle. Or maybe just do it all in one piece.

Best regards, Tom

Nick Fournier
11-16-2010, 9:24 AM
I've never turned make-up brushes, but I have turned a few shaving brushes which is similar. In that case, I used a forstner bit to drill out a hole the diameter and depth of the plug.

Once I'd drilled the hole I've tried two ways to attach it to the lathe -- a chuck in expansion mode and a bottle stopper mandrel. The chuck seemed to work better for me.

Good luck.