View Full Version : Creeker's Weekend Accomplishments.....

Dennis Peacock
11-15-2010, 11:00 AM
15 Nov 2010

Good Morning Everyone,
Well, the cool temps are here to stay and I like that. Finally got the yard cleaned up and done for another year. The firewood is now situated where it needs to be and ready to heat our home for one more winter.

We are gearing up for the current holiday season and woodworking is going to be part of it as we intend to make as many gifts as we can.

Many in my family have been sick or are still sick to some degree, so it's been a family hard time to keep everything in order while multiple people are sick.

The LOML Jr. decided what she wanted to learn to play the Mandolin so I took a bass guitar amp that I had and traded it in on a new starter setup and Mandolin. I think I'm going to learn how to play it as well. I'm also teach my youngest son how to play guitar. So yea, I have my hands full right now.

Well, that it for me, so what did YOU do this past weekend?

Best of weeks to you all.

Anthony Whitesell
11-15-2010, 11:10 AM
I hauled two cu yards of leaves, 4 1/2 cy yards of brush, and broke the chainsaw trying to cut up the downed trees from last years wind storm. Anyone know of a source for a rewind for a McCulloch Pro Mac 610 Chainsaw?

David Hostetler
11-15-2010, 12:12 PM
I completed my drill press table version 2.0, complete with plenty of routing mistakes. The rest of the weekend was time given to LOML for her tasks...

Jeremy Greiner
11-15-2010, 12:17 PM
Cleaned up some tools I bought at a garage sale, also worked on a jig to make domino holes with a drill press.


Jon McElwain
11-15-2010, 12:25 PM
Cleaned the anti-rust shipping goo off a new Laguna jointer and got it assembled and running - NICE machine! Oh, had guests for supper on sunday, helped with 3, yes three, birthday parties for my nephews, hit a Jazz concert in Denver with my bride, made a serious dent in cleaning up the garage, and started (not quite complete) an Asian stile booster seat/bench for my 21 month old who really wants to sit in a "big-girl" seat instead of the high chair. Hmm, oh, and slept in TWICE!

Good weekend....

Jim Rimmer
11-15-2010, 1:32 PM
Cleaned the anti-rust shipping goo off a new Laguna jointer and got it assembled and running - NICE machine! Good weekend....
Stealth Gloat??

Finished up some keepsake boxes for Grandkids Christmas (posted in Projects; pictures are not so good). Made a scooter for another Granddaughter's doll (also posted). For those who have daughters/granddaughters with American Girl dolls, you may recognize the inspiration for it.

Watched the Houston Texans come up with an entirely new way to lose a ball game.

Now to clean up the shop and get on the next project.

Ben Hatcher
11-15-2010, 1:42 PM
I got my shop cleaned up and organized for my next big project, built-ins for LOML's studio. The best part is that I don't have to finish them. Assemble, install, relax. Sweet.

Jon McElwain
11-15-2010, 2:15 PM
Stealth Gloat??

Oh yeah! :D

Neil Brooks
11-15-2010, 2:33 PM
Finally completed a gift I've been making, for a dear friend, and getting some finish (Waterlox) on the thing:



Also received my Jumbo Assortment of Bessey Tradesman Clamps, so ... had to find room on the rack for those :)

David Thompson 27577
11-15-2010, 4:09 PM
Finally completed a gift I've been making, for a dear friend, and getting some finish (Waterlox) on the thing:



Also received my Jumbo Assortment of Bessey Tradesman Clamps, so ... had to find room on the rack for those :)

OK -- I give up. Whatzit?

As for me, I didn't do any woodworking this weekend. Perhaps I was too busy celebrating my new customer order for two 9' tall china cabinets.

Derek Gilmer
11-15-2010, 4:51 PM
I had a weekend of great failure :)

First I forgot the date of our anniversary and temporarily (until my better half educated me) a hunting trip over it.

Then I scheduled (again temporarily) a half day training class at the local shooting range over the next ultrasound for our baby.

And, as the second mistake indicates I did all this to a wonderful lady who is 5 months pregnant.

Anyone want to guess who will be bringing home flowers this week? :D

Charles Wiggins
11-15-2010, 5:26 PM
Friday evening - Cleaned and sharpened chainsaw
Saturday AM - Firewood party at church
Saturday PM - Drove LOML down to SC to go clothes shopping - got her 4 new suits for work. Stopped at HD to exchange a box of bad T8 tubes and picked up two more lights for the shop
Sunday - Church & laundry

Neil Brooks
11-15-2010, 5:34 PM
David Thompson:

It's a wine rack.

The bottles (up to 20 of 'em) hang by their (scrawny little) necks, on the outside of the cabinet.

The shelves are for goodies, bigger bottles, glassware, etc.

The inside "backer boards" lend additional support to the bottles, ensuring that they hang parallel to the ground, and stay put.

The holes are 1-1/2" diameter, but are "shrunk down" by way OF those backer pieces. The holes are also ringed with 3/32" cork, for cushioning and added security.

Jim Becker
11-15-2010, 8:52 PM
This past weekend was a very horsie weekend with the usual lesson on Saturday and a show on Sunday. No shop time, but I'm considering what will be the next project since I got the latest tack trunk out the door last weekend.

Dennis, the mandolin is a wonderful instrument. I'm sure that your DD will really enjoy learning to play it and it will add some extra dimension to the "family band". :)

Matt Meiser
11-15-2010, 10:38 PM
Saturday a guy from our club who is a studio furniture maker did a veneering workshop so I attended that. I veneered a couple panels for my daughter's desk. Nothing complicated but I needed stable panels due to the design. Sunday I started making sawdust on the desk, cutting the panels to size, rabbeting them, and cutting the rails and stiles for the front and cutting dadoes them.

Marty Paulus
11-16-2010, 8:49 AM
For me it was a nice three day weekend. Saturday morning was a trip to the grocery store for some last minute stuff for a turkey that I had to cook and a stop at the borg for some lumber for a stair project. Got home and built the new steps for the back door. Old step was a concrete step that was about 8" up and 8" into the house. Our dog is getting up in years and is having trouble getting in and out which is the reason for the project. Made it so there are two steps before getting in at only about 5 1/4". Put a quick coat of paint on the bottom to seal it before I had to head to the boat club to start cooking the turkey. Needless to say the rest of Saturday was shot.

Sunday I finished painting the new steps. Finished cleaning up the garage and helped the neighbor bleed the brakes on his daughters car.

Monday installed the new steps and watched the dog stare at them and not go out. Let her out a different door and she came in the back door. May have to rethink the color as I am not sure she can see the new steps.... The rest of Monday was sitting on the couch relaxing.

Now next week is when I start to get busy as I have the whole week off.

Mike Heidrick
11-17-2010, 12:39 AM
Made these Saturday and finished them up Sunday. A friend at work wanted a couple toyboxes for his girls made out of MDF as he was going to paint them. Here was my design complete with faux raised panels using whiteside MDF RP and Rail/Stil bits, oval handle depressions made with a bowl bit, cnc V grooved work, and trim I ran through my moulder. The hinges are 60 in lb rated torsion hinges from a local rockler distributor in town (may have gotten by with 40 in lb). The new owner is going to seal them and then paint them. Joinery was just pocket screws. I rounded of the box lip edges and new owner will round of box side edges.

Van Huskey
11-17-2010, 1:12 AM
Is it Monday already... oh man it just flipped over to Wednesday, I didn't get anything done I had planned for Saturday much less the last three days. I gotta get that leak in the wall found and fixed, gotta pull out the MultiMaster and the drywall finishing tools... :mad:

Dave MacArthur
11-17-2010, 1:22 AM
Cut into the space under my stairs, through the back wall of my coat closet. Beginning the work to rip out this wall, and convert this hidden unused space into a storage room for beer and wine-making equipment, and a finished out wine room. Fake rock on the walls, arch up top, insulation, bottle racking, little table and sink. Long shelf for my scotch collection.

Oh yeah, and run DWV plumbing upstairs for my wife's new "upstairs laundry". So mostly I stared and thought about how I'm going to tile up a water-proof area and over-flow drains and run new electrical and plumbing... At which point my brain started hurting so I settled for planning my "scotch shelf" while I sampled some...

Jim O'Dell
11-17-2010, 8:12 PM
Well didn't get the main thing done I wanted to do...clean the shop.:( LOML had me doing other things in the yard, like pick up a gazillion leaves. 2 days later, it looks the same again. :D I did get the roof blown off...that was about 3 weeks late getting done. Got the old T12 light fixture down in the newly covered and painted finishing room, and the new T8 fixture up and working. Sure made a big difference. Now to get one more of these to finish up this room. Will probably wait until I can afford another order of bulbs. The 2 CR 86 8500 bulbs I got at HD are too blue to me. I like the CR 86 5000s I got online better and they are cheaper too.
So maybe I'll get to clean the shop next weekend.....Jim.