View Full Version : Oraments???

John Terefenko
11-14-2010, 10:04 PM
Every year I enjoy looking at the many many people who turn ornaments. I am hoping this year is no exception. The Holiday season is fast approaching and I am sure you are all working on some. Hopefully you all can post some photos and hopefully there are some new and cool designs. So please don't let me down and lets see them. :)

Michael Short
11-14-2010, 10:11 PM

I did a turning demo for our club this past week on how to turn a hollow globe ornament. I spent the past month preparing and turned a few other ornaments for a display to show other types of ornaments.

Scott Hackler
11-15-2010, 10:37 AM
John, you have reminded me to stop messing around and get some more ornaments made. I have been preoccupied with a new "art" turning and haven't done an ornament since making the one I entered into the contest!

Kinda silly since I make ornaments all year long and now its the season!

dan carter
11-15-2010, 11:00 AM
Turned ornaments provide a Christmas tree with a touch of elegance, that is for sure. They are popular with friends and family.

Bernie Weishapl
11-15-2010, 11:09 AM
John here a couple of links to posts for ornaments made.




Jeff Luedloff
11-15-2010, 7:56 PM
Here are a few of my ornaments

Matt Ranum
11-16-2010, 8:23 PM
This was the last one I played around with before I got too busy to get back in the shop.

Randy Carver
11-17-2010, 1:21 PM
What are you using for the screw eyes in the tops of the ornaments? I've had trouble finding ones small enough to look right.

Bill Bulloch
11-17-2010, 1:48 PM
Recently turned Ornaments.

John Terefenko
11-17-2010, 2:03 PM
Recently turned Ornaments.

Bill those are really cool. Something abit different too. Thanks for showing.

Scott Hackler
11-17-2010, 3:37 PM
What are you using for the screw eyes in the tops of the ornaments? I've had trouble finding ones small enough to look right.

Randy, I use the smallest brass screw eyes that Ace Hardware sells. They arent too bad but not real stiff, so I purposely drill a larger hole and super glue the eye in.

A fellow turner, club member, uses gold colored jewelry eyes. I think she gets them at a hobbie store.

dan carter
11-17-2010, 5:41 PM
Randy, I use the eyelet from a large fishing hook, cut off 1/4" or so and super glue and you're done. I think they are 6/0 hooks, but they fit into 1/16" hole. I've never had one come out yet.

Ken Hill
11-17-2010, 8:19 PM
Randy, I use the eyelet from a large fishing hook, cut off 1/4" or so and super glue and you're done. I think they are 6/0 hooks, but they fit into 1/16" hole. I've never had one come out yet.

LOL..how simple good it get!!!:D

Rick Robbins
11-17-2010, 9:08 PM
those lok Great Guy's nice. Rick

Randy Carver
11-17-2010, 9:52 PM
Thanks for the eyelet sources! Hmm, fish hooks...

Doug W Swanson
11-18-2010, 12:00 AM
Here are some birdhouse ornaments I made last year. I sent them to all of the relatives....

My ornaments are take-offs of the Dale Nish ones in the Craft Supply USA catalog. Instead of hollowing them on the lathe, I just used a forstner bit and called it good.

In addition to the little bird I even glued in some wood shavings to look like a nest.

John Terefenko
11-23-2010, 9:20 AM
Just a bump up of this thread. Hopefully that is not all that have done some ornaments. The ones shown are all great and I enjoy looking at them. keep them coming. Thanks.