View Full Version : Turning Time

Bernie Weishapl
11-14-2010, 7:55 PM
Well have been home long enough for once to do some turning. Had a piece of poplar and decided I would do something different for me. It is a vase that is 9 1/2" across and 3 1/2" high. Walls are less than 1/4". The poplar was drab and nothing much going on so had some Transtint red dye so decided to give it a go. It has 8 light coats of lacquer. I was pleased how it turned out. The wife just absolutely loves it and is already in her curio cabinet. So guess that one is not going to be sold. I have two more that are in the finishing stage. Let me know what you think.

David E Keller
11-14-2010, 8:01 PM
I like the vibrant color! The shape may take a little getting used to, but all in all, I like it.

John Keeton
11-14-2010, 8:09 PM
The red discus!! Love the color, Bernie, and the form is really different and interesting. Kind of like Keller, need to mull it over. Although....I have done a couple that are very close to this one!

Josh Bowman
11-14-2010, 8:19 PM
Bernie, I opened the post.......and said "Wow!" I like the color. The shape is interesting.

James Combs
11-14-2010, 8:24 PM
Awwww, now I see it, had to run and get my sun glasses.:D Really nice now that I can see it.:rolleyes::D

Seriously, that is quite a lovely piece. I like the rim treatment around and next to the opening. The whole thing is great.

Sean Hughto
11-14-2010, 8:26 PM
I like it. My expereince with similar shapes is that they risk distracting the viewer with thoughts of flying saucers. I find it interesting that you've avoided that here with the opening and rim treament. I have to make note. The color is killer too. vermillion, like the 5000th P-38!


Cathy Schaewe
11-14-2010, 8:28 PM
I really, really like it. It's probably going to buzz Sean's plane....

I'm getting the nerve up to work with some dye, and this is inspiring!

Steve Schlumpf
11-14-2010, 9:13 PM
Bernie - love the color finish! May take a while to get used to the contemporary form - but as long as your wife claims it - what more can you ask for! Looking forward to seeing where the dye experiment leads you!

Have fun!

Roger Chandler
11-14-2010, 9:27 PM
Well now.........what an awesome way to finish! Love the color and the luster of the finish! You stepped into the world of the bright and shiny on this one, and it is a really good work.

A most unusual form...........that might look super with a certain flower arrangement in it............not your usual pottery shape, but it does not have to be.........I am sure that was a very challenging hollowing job to accomplish. Shows off your turning skill for sure........

Keep 'em coming Bernie...........I give this a thumbs up!

Baxter Smith
11-14-2010, 9:36 PM
That is an eye opener for sure! Nothing subtle about it! Hope you post the others as well!

Michael Short
11-14-2010, 10:24 PM
I can see why your wife wants to keep it.

Bernie Weishapl
11-14-2010, 10:46 PM
Thanks to one and all for your kind comments. It kinda has a flying saucer look to it but it is funny because while turning and finishing it the thought never crossed my mind on the saucer shape. I had been thinking about the shape for some time after I had seen a couple of them. I really liked them so decided to do 3 or 4 and take them to the Art Gallery to see if they will sell for Christmas.

Sean I hope you have the guns at the ready.:eek::D

Steve I didn't have a chance to even bring up the subject of putting it at the Art Gallery for sale. It does make me feel good because I know if she likes it, it will probably sell. She has a knack like that.

Michael James
11-14-2010, 11:28 PM
Nice diversion from your usual array of pieces, and very red! As Roswell, NM is just down the road I feel compelled to point out the actual UFO would have that collar rounded.... good job regardless. Until I get a rest set up I cant go long yet............. so....... I tend to do very similar shapes.:cool:
Glad to see yer getting lathe and grandkid time in!

Bill Bolen
11-14-2010, 11:34 PM
The dye job sure made the grain jump out. Nice job Bernie...Bill...

Jim Burr
11-14-2010, 11:36 PM
That red really makes the grain pop! I'm trying to imagine that being over 9". It looks like a fun shape!...Hijack...Sean, I sure hope the Nacelle guns are timed correctly on the coffin!!:p

bob svoboda
11-15-2010, 9:07 AM
Personally, I like forms that venture out of the ordinary-very daring. That is some outstanding looking wood and your finish is gorgeous.

Bernie Weishapl
11-15-2010, 10:48 AM
Thanks again. Yes that is one thing that was a surprise was how much that transtint dye did make the grain pop. I hope to do a couple of more and experiment with dye's.

Rob Cunningham
11-15-2010, 1:00 PM
That's a cool shape, and the dye and lacquer really dress up the poplar.

David DeCristoforo
11-15-2010, 1:30 PM
Poplar is one of those woods that just needs some help. I've had some pieces with a lot of green and purple streaking. Mostly kinda ugly but those colors do some interesting things under a stain or dye. I really like the way it worked out on this one.

steven carter
11-15-2010, 2:01 PM

The dye really makes the poplar attractive, and the finish is superb. It may just be the photos, but it looks like the widest part is slightly below center, for my taste it might be better if it were above the center line.


Bernie Weishapl
11-15-2010, 8:20 PM
Thanks again. Yep I agree that poplar is not the prettiest wood but it sure does take stain and dye nicely.

Steven I see what you are saying but wanted to draw the eye to the opening. Not sure it works.

John W Dixon
11-16-2010, 12:19 AM
Bernie, the dye job looks great. What is the process you use for applying it? Do you wipe on then wipe off or just let it soak in?
