View Full Version : Oh my...Help!

Ken Hill
11-12-2010, 7:48 PM
:D Well, the wife said the shallow bowls wasn't deep enough, and I made the mistake of showing her what a NE looks like....thats when I recieved my marching orders to try one!

Its roughed out...now what LOL:eek::(:D


Christopher K. Hartley
11-12-2010, 8:07 PM
Nice job, I believe she is going to love it.:)

Jim Burr
11-12-2010, 8:25 PM
Maybe if you tell her you can only do that form with tools you don't have yet???:rolleyes::rolleyes::cool::p;););)

Ken Hill
11-12-2010, 8:37 PM
I re-chucked it and made it a bit thinner and now its in a big ol' bucket of DNA for a week or so. Fingers crossed! Its 7 inches across by 3 inches deep...and under a 1/4 thick and fairly even throughout. I added thin CA to the outer bark and will now just wait it out...maybe leave it in there forever and just show folks the bucket LOL!

John Keeton
11-12-2010, 9:08 PM
Ken, please understand the effect your recent attraction to bowls is going to have on your call turning!!!:eek: I am concerned for your well being!:rolleyes:

The bark in NE forms is thought to have some sort of addictive quality, so please be careful!;):D

Ken Hill
11-12-2010, 9:19 PM
I dunno John, I lost more bark off my knuckles then the bowl!

Mike Cruz
11-12-2010, 9:29 PM
Is this some of what we should expect out of your logs? Hmmmm, I may be taking home more than I thought...:D Very nice. I'd love to see the bucket, I mean bowl next weekend...

Ken Hill
11-12-2010, 9:32 PM
Mike, I cut this yesterday...just grabbed a log and had at it.

I keep trying to tell yall...be ready for some wood! I dont know enough yet to cherry pick a good log from a bad one so unless im a real lucky rascal, there should be even better waiting on trained eyes!

Keeton would bypass the wood and head to my deer stand..who needs him here anyway haha!

Bernie Weishapl
11-12-2010, 10:07 PM
Ken if it were me I wouldn't have put it in DNA but just soaked it good with like Danish oil or Antique Oil. It would have been fine. I have did quite a few NE's from start to finish and then applied finish. Just a thought. You show your wife that one and you will be making a few more I am a thinking.:eek::D

Ken Hill
11-12-2010, 10:10 PM
Bernie, what makes the NE bowl different then a regular bowl as far as not giving it a few days in DNA?

David E Keller
11-12-2010, 10:54 PM
Looks like a lot of fun. I usually turn my NE bowls to final thickness and let 'em warp. I tend to wet sand them while still on the lathe, wrap in newspaper or bag, and set them aside. Once they're dry, I usually hand sand through the finer grits and finish.

Ken Hill
11-13-2010, 5:09 AM
Ok, I understand now. The warping NE thing:D I was under the assumption with Oak that it needed to hit the DNA because regardless it will move alot.

I did notice we must have cut the trees at a good time, they are green of course but arent loaded with water. Very easy cutting etc but no wet face shield! I did sand to 180 or 220 cant recall, that is where the bark came off my knucle LOL!

I will be looking the pile over on the way back from hunting this morning, I think me needs afew more to practice on!

Joel Albert
11-13-2010, 7:57 AM
One thing I have noticed is that you usually don't notice the warping in a natural edge bowl, as long as the bottom is flat. Alot of the natural edge work that I do, looks oval to begin with -- even though I know its round.

How did you manage the curve along the interior bottom of the bowl? That's the part I am still struggling with. Can't seem to quite get the gough to cut well and usually have to move to a scraper.


Ken Hill
11-13-2010, 8:09 AM
Joel, I bought a carbide round cutting tool from Things Western. I use my Easy rougher to hollow out most of the bowl and ive even been able to shape the outside of the bowl with it was well, its the only tool used on the outside on this one. Then I go after the inside with the round carbide.

I was using abowl gouge to do a final cut on the inside but the last two I havent needed it.

James Combs
11-13-2010, 8:45 AM
Joel, I bought a carbide round cutting tool from Things Western. I use my Easy rougher to hollow out most of the bowl and ive even been able to shape the outside of the bowl with it was well, its the only tool used on the outside on this one. Then I go after the inside with the round carbide.

I was using abowl gouge to do a final cut on the inside but the last two I havent needed it.

The easy tools are my goto tools for almost everything especially the round one. I also like the detail-er. It cuts steel pretty good also. I had a little run-out on a set of my nova jaws and used it to true them up. I had metal curlies everyplace:eek:.

Steve Schlumpf
11-13-2010, 9:37 AM
Nice form Ken! Hope the bark stays on during the drying process! Looking forward to seeing this one finished!

Ken Hill
11-13-2010, 11:12 AM
Thanks Steve, I geuss at this point it will be a "wait and see" deal, something im not good at! So I reckon turning more to up my odds is a good thing?(<Dont say a word Keeton!)

