View Full Version : Cored My First Bowl Today

Nate Davey
11-11-2010, 7:23 PM
Finally got around to setting up my McNaughton Coring kit today. A bit of a learning curve, not quite as easy as Mr Grumbine makes it look, but learned a lot of valuable lessons. I didn't get the best core, or take full advantage of the blank but the next one will be better. A couple of the things I learned:

1. Don't force the tool, Mr Grumbine uses two fingers so it obviously doesn't need a lot of force...and it doesn't. Once I figured that out, things got a lot easier.

2. Clear the chips often if they aren't coming out. I had the RPMs set for 500 but need to check what the recommended rate is.

3. Keep the tool in contact with the top bar of the rest. Ended up putting the end of the handle under my arm and this worked well.

The wood I had was wet Black Walnut, but not in very good shape, had a big crack running across the face. Here is a pic of the results. The bowl is 8.5" x 4".

All in all I'm very happy with the McNaughton and look forward to doing some more with it.

I also had a chance to play around with my new TT 3/8" detail gouge with the new Thompson handle. I like it a lot. Very comfortable to hold and has some nice weight behind it.

Christopher K. Hartley
11-11-2010, 8:49 PM
Thanks for sharing Nate, I haven't taken that plunge as yet, so this was interesting.:)

Pete Wade
11-11-2010, 9:01 PM
Just got my kit the other day. Almost finished watching Mike Mahoneys DVD, maybe this weekend I'll give mine a try. Glad to hear you at least got it to work on the first try! Nice job!

Baxter Smith
11-12-2010, 10:49 AM
Once you get the hang of it, it should open up lots of possibilities. Good luck with it.

Bernie Weishapl
11-12-2010, 11:28 AM
Looking good Nate. The neat thing is getting several bowls from one piece of wood rather than a pile of chips on the floor.

Michael Ginsberg
11-12-2010, 2:25 PM
I just ordered mine today. I hope it works as well for me.

Jim Burr
11-12-2010, 2:32 PM
Sweet Nate...not sure if one of those is in my future, but looking forward to your progress!:):)

charlie knighton
11-12-2010, 4:43 PM
nice report, keep us posted Nate