View Full Version : Delta 46-460 shut down (overheated)...

Jack Gaskins
11-11-2010, 4:34 PM
Was on my third bowl rought out and my lathe shut down. Motor was extremely hot. Checked breaker and that was not the problem. The lathe has been off for about an hour now. Still won't start, motor is still really warm. Has anyone had this issue before?

Jack Gaskins
11-11-2010, 5:18 PM
Disregard my post. I am such a GOOBER!!!:D. I walked out to the lathe to see if it would turn on and there it was just under the red on switch,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,THE DARN BREAKER BUTTON!!!!!!!!! Pushed it up to reset and all is well again.:D

Alan Zenreich
11-11-2010, 6:41 PM
When all else fails, read the instructions <vbg>

From page 13 of the manual

The tool is equipped with a manual reset circuit breaker.
If the tool is overloaded or stalled too long the circuit
breaker will trip causing the tool to shut off.
To restart:
1. Set the ON/OFF switch to "OFF"
2. Allow the motor to cool 3-5 minutes.
3. Press the reset button (LL) Fig 24
4. Resume normal operations.

David DeCristoforo
11-11-2010, 7:06 PM
Ha! The old circuit breaker trick. So you feel like a "goober"? Read on...


Christopher K. Hartley
11-11-2010, 8:54 PM
Jack, I'd still try to find out why the motor is so hot. It may help you avoid a future problem.:)

Tony Pridmore
11-11-2010, 9:24 PM
If you suspect overheating you could improve the airflow around the motor with a small clip on fan. For example: http://www.amazon.com/Clip--2-Speed-7-15-16x6x9-1-Light/dp/B001AJPC62/ref=sr_1_8?ie=UTF8&qid=1289528287&sr=8-8

Several of our club members do this with their mini lathes when giving extended demos like at a festival. Before using the fans we had several motors burn out.


Jon McElwain
11-12-2010, 12:07 AM
A quote I picked up while grousing around here...

"The significant problems we encounter cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them."

Jack Gaskins
11-12-2010, 8:10 AM
Well, I scanned the instructions but missed the reset entry. FIGURES :rolleyes: ! And I didnt notice the TINY little reset button until I walked up to the lathe from behing and saw the white portion of the button showing. DUH! I guess the motor got hot due to lots of woodshavings piled around it from the other two bowls I had just roughed out. Will have to remind myself to stop every few minutes to move some shavings away.

John Keeton
11-12-2010, 8:34 AM
Early on with my 46-460, I had some on/off switch problems. I removed the cover portion over the switch area, and blew out the dust. Now, everytime I clean up around the lathe, without removing the cover, I blow out the area, and try to also blow everything out from around the motor. I leave the DC running at the same time to pick up the dust created.

Rick Hutcheson
11-12-2010, 9:02 AM
The motor does run hot on the lathe. I worked extensively with the engineers testing the lathe and they informed me the moter would be fine. I can say I have been very hard on the motor and it still keeps going so I guess they are right.