View Full Version : Weeping Willow Burl Hollow Form

George Guadiane
11-11-2010, 1:29 PM
Weeping willow is soft and stinky, but the burls sure do have a nice appearance of depth in the figure.
This piece of wood came from the side of an interstate. The branch had been trimmed and left on the ground, so I trimmed it some more and brought this home.

Hollowed with my Rolly Munro articulated hollower on my Randy Privitt Monster articulated hollowing setup (I like articulation?)

This piece is 10 1/2 inches in diameter by 5 1/4 inches high and turned to about 1/4 of an inch thick. I made a tiny foot, I was concerned about how thin it seemed at the bottom.
Sanded to 600 till I decide if and/or what to finish it with.
Questions, Comments and Critiques always welcome.

George Guadiane
11-11-2010, 1:31 PM
I forgot the holes!

Mike Cruz
11-11-2010, 2:15 PM
Wow, the wood is really pretty. I was alway told that weeping willow was a boring wood. Must have been from people that all wanted it to themselves...

George Guadiane
11-11-2010, 2:22 PM
Wow, the wood is really pretty. I was alway told that weeping willow was a boring wood. Must have been from people that all wanted it to themselves...

MOST weeping willow IS boring (and it stinks), but I always take burls when I haven't turned them before, to see what I think about the wood. I have to say, I'm not in any hurry to get more, as pretty as it is, and I have given most of what I collected away, just because of how it smells when turned (think of a puppy on newspaper).

Mike Cruz
11-11-2010, 2:33 PM
Niiiice. Thanks for the disclaimer and heads up. BTW, nice bowl...sorry, I forgot to add that. Got all caught up in the wood.

Lee Koepke
11-11-2010, 2:45 PM
the most intriguing thing about venturing into the vortex is just about anything that grows is fair game and in the right hands becomes stunning!

nice tease btw, hiding the holes in the first post !!!!

George Guadiane
11-11-2010, 2:57 PM
Niiiice. Thanks for the disclaimer and heads up. BTW, nice bowl...sorry, I forgot to add that. Got all caught up in the wood.

Thank you, no worries, I've been wood obsessed for quite a while now.

the most intriguing thing about venturing into the vortex is just about anything that grows is fair game and in the right hands becomes stunning!

nice tease btw, hiding the holes in the first post !!!!

Thanks Lee, and thank you for noticing the intent of my picture placement.:cool:

John Keeton
11-11-2010, 3:14 PM
George, I guess I should say this one just stinks!!:D:D

But, it actually is very nice, and as much as you didn't care for turning it, the effort was well rewarded.

Christopher K. Hartley
11-11-2010, 3:38 PM
This a great piece of work, I'll bet it was hair raising at times. Stinky or not it is a great addition to your accomplishments.:)

charlie knighton
11-11-2010, 4:56 PM
very nice, the other views help, but i like the side that is uninterpered, pretty wood George

David E Keller
11-11-2010, 7:11 PM
You got me hook, line, and sinker.;) I was really liking it in the first two photos, but I love it after seeing the rest of the shots. I could deal with puppy urine for a finished piece like that. Just wonderful!

Don Alexander
11-11-2010, 9:40 PM
i can't smell it from my house :D:D

and it sure do look purdy

Bernie Weishapl
11-11-2010, 10:15 PM
George that is a beauty. I have turned some willow and you are correct about the smell. Yikes.

George Guadiane
11-12-2010, 9:27 AM
Since I have plenty of other, equally interesting wood, I probably won't turn any of the other willow any time soon.
I'm glad that so many people commented. I would appreciate it if anyone had any constructive criticism though.
Thanks Again,

Greg Ketell
11-12-2010, 10:20 AM
Sneaky bugger.

Ok your two sets of pictures shows a bit about my psychology. The first set I thought "pretty nice form. Pretty wood. Over all pretty nice." Then you post the second set and I thought "Wow!! OK that is different and I Really like it!".

I guess I'm more of an art man than a utilitarian man no matter how pretty the utility object is. But enough about me.

This HF is stunning! Great wood and great treatment of it!! And it is all the more beautiful since I didn't smell it while you were turning it. :D

Baxter Smith
11-12-2010, 10:30 AM
Very pretty wood. I like the holes but love the look of the good/solid side!