View Full Version : Festool dust collector price question

Mike Ashton
11-11-2010, 1:35 AM
I have been slowing building a Festool arsenal and plan on making my next purchase a Dust extractor. Currently I'm looking at the CT33, but am a little confused on prices. I thought Festool had a price lock on their products but I'm finding the vac at $580 and $522. I'm not complaining- just curious if anyone has heard anything about this and if it may spread to their other tools. I would jump on the $522 but I want to be sure I get a warranty.

oops...should have used good old google sooner, didn't realize they were part of the 10% off sale.

Mike Goetzke
11-11-2010, 9:15 AM
I'm not the Festool expert but I do have a CT33. I believe they have a new model out so maybe that explains the difference????

Brian Kincaid
11-11-2010, 9:33 AM
I also have a CT33, but I think if I were to have a do-over I would get the CT22 (same everything but smaller bag and unit) and the Oneida separator (with bin, goes on top of CT).

As far as your price question I can't help.


Mike Ashton
11-11-2010, 10:56 AM
Brian- I just checked out the Dust Deputy that sits on the CT22, I didn't know that existed. Looks like a pretty slick setup, kinda takes away the purpose of the newer ones having the storage on top. I think I just found my setup. Thanks!

Jon McElwain
11-11-2010, 4:27 PM
I saw a ct33 at my festool dealer today that was 10% off since the new ct26 and ct36 have come out. Perhaps all the ct33's are 10% off now due to the new model. $522 is 10% of $580... All the prices (except for one that I could find) were $522. If it is a CT33, it is a CT33 - there are not two similar models with that same designation. Festool has allowed the 10% off in the past when they were changing a model.

Brice Burrell
11-11-2010, 5:49 PM
I saw a ct33 at my festool dealer today that was 10% off since the new ct26 and ct36 have come out. Perhaps all the ct33's are 10% off now due to the new model. $522 is 10% of $580... All the prices (except for one that I could find) were $522. If it is a CT33, it is a CT33 - there are not two similar models with that same designation. Festool has allowed the 10% off in the past when they were changing a model.

Yes, Festool USA have officially discontinued the older models, CT 22 and CT 33 vacs, so that accounts for the price reduction. You'll still get the full warranty and Festool stocks spare parts for a minimum of seven years.

Mike Ashton
11-11-2010, 6:17 PM
Anyone with a CT22 or 33 use the Ultimate Dust Deputy yet? Looks like a pretty nice setup. I would expect the cyclones to work well with larger chips, but what about dust? Are they are as effective with this? I have a large DC system for cleanup so the CT22 would only be used for sanding, routing, and other small dust pickup.

Ashwini Kaul
11-11-2010, 9:53 PM
Hey Mike,
Call Jason at Hartville tool. Just bought the CT 33 from them. Good deal and excellent service! If you combine a power tool with the Dust Extractor, there might be additional savings!