View Full Version : No. 21 - Red Cedar Vase - "Critique Requested"

James Combs
11-10-2010, 10:06 PM
The Mini Monster is at It again. Here for your review is a small HF in the form of a vase.


Material - Eastern Read Cedar
Height - 4-7/8"
Width - 2-7/8"
Wall Thickness - 1/8"-3/16"
Mouth OD - 2"
Mouth Opening - 1-1/8
Finish (to date) - 3 Coats of rattle can lacquer (will be waxed & buffed later)

TBD bottom details. Not enough room for my branding iron, will probably just write the date and initials with an archival pen.

The bluish highlights are caused by my shop lights. I usually turn them off when taking pics but forgot this time.

Bernie Weishapl
11-10-2010, 10:10 PM
Great looking vase James. I really love the cedar.

Jim Burr
11-10-2010, 10:12 PM
Nice work sir! The line has a nice curve to the bottom and the mouth looks in proportion to the rest of the body. I'm not a fan of gloss finishes, and with the amount of oil in Red cedar, it should buff out nicely...Bravo!!

Ken Hill
11-10-2010, 10:14 PM
Looks great! Cedar and I are not on speaking terms after a few turkey pots desinigrated on me

Roger Chandler
11-10-2010, 10:15 PM

That is a nice form on some pretty wood. Nice finish.......and so far no cracks! :eek::D

I just posted about red cedar cracking a while ago, and from what I have been told, it is pretty much inevitable, so I hope this nice form of yours does not follow that pattern........

I guess if it is kiln dried, it would be stable.

Ron Mckinney
11-10-2010, 10:49 PM
Very nice and a great shape. Sure hope that it dosen't crack on you.

David E Keller
11-10-2010, 11:05 PM
I think it looks great! Cedar has given me fits with finishing, but I haven't had the cracking problems that others have described... Of course, I've only turned old, dry wood. Nicely done.

Robert McGowen
11-10-2010, 11:22 PM
Very nice, James. Not much to critique that is negative. I like the continuous curve from the base and your proportions look right.

Baxter Smith
11-10-2010, 11:38 PM
Very pretty wood and finish. Shape looks good. Maybe a little narrower on the neck? Sometimes I wonder about the proportions of the neck to the base as to what looks good.

John Keeton
11-11-2010, 6:51 AM
JD, very nice work. So far as critique, my comments wouldn't mean much - no experience with the vase form. All the lines look good, the tool work looks great, and good finish. I would say - job well done!

Christopher K. Hartley
11-11-2010, 7:30 AM
James, very nice form and finish. I have found that the folks that wanted cedar works here around the Houston area prefer the high gloss finish. The only area you may want to work on is the interior. with an opening large enough for people to look into it you want to get the interior as smooth as possible. Remember, I can only evaluate from the photos but it does appear a little more sanding inside on the bottom would present much better. I had problems with this until I started using forceps. You can also use long nose pliers.[see attached] They hold the sand paper or steel wool very well and improve the interior considerably. Again, I think this is a beautiful vase and can be displayed proudly. Keep up the good work.:)

John Keeton
11-11-2010, 8:01 AM
Another tip for sanding the interior is a few 1/2" dowel sections of appropriate length. Hot glue a piece of sandpaper to the end, or bandsaw a flat spot at a 45* (or other appropriate angle) for doing the sides. It has really helped clean up the bottom on some HFs.

Christopher K. Hartley
11-11-2010, 8:14 AM
Another tip for sanding the interior is a few 1/2" dowel sections of appropriate length. Hot glue a piece of sandpaper to the end, or bandsaw a flat spot at a 45* (or other appropriate angle) for doing the sides. It has really helped clean up the bottom on some HFs.Great tip John. I like that.:)

David Walser
11-11-2010, 9:15 AM
You nailed the form. The finish looks nice (always hard to judge from photos). The color and grain of the wood is spectacular. I particularly like the contrast between the sap and heart wood. All in all, a very nice vase.

steven carter
11-11-2010, 11:09 AM
Very nice vase JD. Gotta love the color variations in cedar, I can almost smell it:D.


Bill Bolen
11-11-2010, 11:41 AM
You have apiece to be proud of! Nice flow on the curves with no flat spots and no tool marks. The curve and proportions are tough to nail but you got it...Bill...

James Combs
11-11-2010, 7:37 PM

That is a nice form on some pretty wood. Nice finish.......and so far no cracks! :eek::D

I just posted about red cedar cracking a while ago, and from what I have been told, it is pretty much inevitable, so I hope this nice form of yours does not follow that pattern........

I guess if it is kiln dried, it would be stable.

Very nice and a great shape. Sure hope that it dosen't crack on you.

I think it looks great! Cedar has given me fits with finishing, but I haven't had the cracking problems that others have described... Of course, I've only turned old, dry wood. Nicely done.

Roger, Ron, David - Other then the few hairline cracks it started with and that I CA at the start it hasn't shown any other cracking. I brought into the house last night and put into one of my wife's display cabinets so I can keep an I on it. So far so good.

Very pretty wood and finish. Shape looks good. Maybe a little narrower on the neck? Sometimes I wonder about the proportions of the neck to the base as to what looks good.

Baxter, after I got it don't I too thought maybe the neck was a little thick, I will try thinner next time. This one is pretty small to try to do too much thinning the next one will be a little bigger.

James, very nice form and finish. I have found that the folks that wanted cedar works here around the Houston area prefer the high gloss finish. The only area you may want to work on is the interior. with an opening large enough for people to look into it you want to get the interior as smooth as possible. Remember, I can only evaluate from the photos but it does appear a little more sanding inside on the bottom would present much better. I had problems with this until I started using forceps. You can also use long nose pliers.[see attached] They hold the sand paper or steel wool very well and improve the interior considerably. Again, I think this is a beautiful vase and can be displayed proudly. Keep up the good work.:)

Another tip for sanding the interior is a few 1/2" dowel sections of appropriate length. Hot glue a piece of sandpaper to the end, or bandsaw a flat spot at a 45* (or other appropriate angle) for doing the sides. It has really helped clean up the bottom on some HFs.

Christopher/John I really appreciate your comments and the suggestions on the inside finishing tools. I will be trying them out. Have tried a split dowel and sandpaper before but not at an angle. Incidentally

BTW I would be the first to say that the inside does need some work but Christopher I believe you may be mistaking my shot of the bottom of the vase for the inside. The fifth photo is a shot of the top looking into the vase and it is pretty dark in there:D. I you can see my tool marks I left you certainly have good vision;). Photo number six is actually the base or foot of the vase.

Thanks again everyone for your comments, they are very much appreciated.

Christopher K. Hartley
11-11-2010, 8:43 PM
BTW I would be the first to say that the inside does need some work but Christopher I believe you may be mistaking my shot of the bottom of the vase for the inside. The fifth photo is a shot of the top looking into the vase and it is pretty dark in there:D. I you can see my tool marks I left you certainly have good vision;). Photo number six is actually the base or foot of the vase.James, my mistake I did think that photo was the inside. Sorry, again. my mistake.:o