View Full Version : Blade for cutting treated wood

Ron Jones near Indy
11-10-2010, 8:08 PM
A friend has asked me to make 2 crosses that will be placed on the side of the road where his parents were killed by a drunk driver. Glad to do it--it seems an honor to be asked. This may lead to doing several more which is fine with me. My questions is simply this: do I need to replace the WW II and/or Freud really good blades with another to be used just for treated wood (4 x 4's) or should I not worry about the treated wood damaging the better blades? Same question about my DeWalt dado? Thanks for the input!

Myk Rian
11-10-2010, 8:26 PM
I use a different blade for that wood. But, if you clean it afterward, it shouldn't matter.

Logan William
11-10-2010, 10:23 PM
I cut lots of treated wood while in college for work without ever changing the blade and never had a problem. Just make sure if you've got a SawStop that you shut off the brake.....otherwise you might be buying a new blade anyway!

Van Huskey
11-10-2010, 10:29 PM
I have a habit of switching my best blades for some of my "lesser" blades for any construction lumber, just a habit but far from required. I think it is mainly to do with the cleaning, I have a habit of not bothering with my cheaper blades although I should.

Jim Rimmer
11-10-2010, 10:39 PM
I would be more concerned with the sawdust than the blade. It would require a pretty thorough cleaning every time to prevent rust.