View Full Version : New video: Rolly polly bowl

Bob Hamilton
11-09-2010, 7:23 AM
I have finally gotten around to editing some video and uploading it to Youtube. This one is a 4 part series about turning a small round bottomed winged bowl from hard maple. The playlist for the series is at:


The bowl turned out looking like this:



Take care

John Keeton
11-09-2010, 7:50 AM
Great series, Bob!! I didn't have to time this morning to watch all of it straight thru, but I did see a little of all segments - well done, and very informative!! Thanks.

Bernie Weishapl
11-09-2010, 8:04 AM
Well done and thanks for sharing Bob.

Jay Jagerson
11-09-2010, 9:02 AM
For a person who is just getting starting in this what a great idea to show off what can be done.

Great job, I really appreciated it.

I love that part of not wanting to clean of the table saw to make it square.

Thanks again,


11-09-2010, 12:20 PM
is included in this near professional quality video. Your critique of your work as you go along, your choice of tools, tool presentation, alternative processes. Very nice contribution. I especially like your depth gauge, and your method for keeping shavings off your socks.


Dale Bright
11-09-2010, 5:25 PM
Very nice bowl Bob, and I always enjoy your videos. Would you mind sharing some techincal info about your videos, like the type of camera, type of microphone, editing software, etc.?


Bob Hamilton
11-10-2010, 2:38 PM
Thanks, all!

Dale, the first two or three videos I made were shot with my digital still camera (Kodak DX 7590) in video mode. I then bought a JVC hard disk drive camcorder and constructed the mounting system that I show in my "Behind the Scenes" video segment. I just use the microphone that is built into the camera. The box that houses the camera is just a front frame with attached glass door, a bottom and two sides. The top and back are open with plastic and brown paper stapled over them to keep the dust out but let sound in.

I use Corel VideoStudio Pro X2 for my editing. I had been saving the edited segments as .flv video files directly from the editor but I was having some computer problems earlier this year so in the spring I put together a new computer. For some reason that I cannot explain when I save my edited files as .flv video on the new computer the sound gets all screwed up. On this one I saved the files as .mp4 files and uploaded those. The resultant video does not seem to me to be a clear as the ones I did earlier so I will have to try something else. Suggestions would be welcome since I really don't have a clue about video editing.

Take care

Josh Bowman
11-10-2010, 4:35 PM
Bob, great production. You made it look like fun. I look forward to your next video.

brian watts
11-10-2010, 7:57 PM
Bob. i all ways like to watch your videos.

Pete Jordan
11-10-2010, 9:17 PM
Thanks Bob!

you always do a great job and I have watched all of your videos.

Greg Just
11-10-2010, 9:53 PM
Nice job Bob - I watched and enjoyed all the videos. I now want to try one of those. Thanks for sharing.

David E Keller
11-10-2010, 11:09 PM
Another great little project! Thank you, sir, for taking the time to post the videos.

Joel Albert
11-11-2010, 9:40 AM

Let me add my thanks for the hard work and passion you put into all of these videos. I am one of your subscribers (and a new Creeker), and have watched them over and over.

I have really learned alot from them and been inspired to step out of my comfort zones.

