View Full Version : Question for the mods.

Wally Wenzel
11-07-2010, 8:01 PM
Why when there are more than 15 replies can the not be seen, or don't i know how to find them. Thanks Wally

Steve Schlumpf
11-07-2010, 8:04 PM
Wally - need a little more info to go on. Are you talking about a particular thread?

Dan Hintz
11-07-2010, 8:08 PM

In case you don't realize it, on the lower right of every long thread is a "page" selector... click page "2" and continue enjoying the fun.

John Keeton
11-07-2010, 8:12 PM
Wally, it may be that in your user profile you have selected "hybrid" as the mode of thread display. You could edit that to one of the other options and see if that makes a difference.

Ken Hill
11-07-2010, 8:22 PM
Wally, select a standard type of viewing...the hybrid default threw me for a loop as well..hope I havent missed any posts:)

Fred Perreault
11-08-2010, 6:44 AM
Just curious.... where exactly is the selection for "hybrid" or other ? I browsed "Profile" and cannot find selections.

John Keeton
11-08-2010, 6:55 AM
Fred, as a moderator my screens may look different than yours, but I did look at yours and it is set to hybrid. If you want, I can change it for you. The other options are to view posts in linear mode - latest first or latest last. I would think most chose latest first.

Harlan Coverdale
11-08-2010, 7:28 AM
Just curious.... where exactly is the selection for "hybrid" or other ? I browsed "Profile" and cannot find selections.

When you're viewing a thread, near the top right corner of every page is a drop-down menu than says "Display Modes". Click that and you'll see the options available. I like Linear Mode myself.

Dan Hintz
11-08-2010, 1:19 PM
I do wish linear was the default... every time the site goes through an upgrade or my cookies need deleting, I get a surprise...

Wally Wenzel
11-08-2010, 8:57 PM
Thanks for all the replies,i just now noticed on the thread listing they show the pages if there is more than one page. I also discovered i had the hybraid viewing selected, changed it to linear, but don't know what the difference is. Wally