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View Full Version : Can't find plastic resin or ureaformaldehyde glue...

Jim Underwood
11-07-2010, 5:37 PM
I'm working on a bent laminated project, and I can't seem to find non-creeping glue locally.

I seem to recall finding it at a local store last year, but I can't find any plastic resin or urea formaldehyde glue now...

Where do you get your non-creeping glue for laminating?

Bas Pluim
11-07-2010, 5:46 PM
Ace Hardware sells DAP plastic resin glue (Weldwood). They may need to special order it, and I believe the minimum order is 4 tubs. Some stores won't order it unless you take all 4...

Jamie Buxton
11-07-2010, 7:06 PM
Woodcraft sells a powdered urea-formaldehyde from Pro-Glue.


Carroll Courtney
11-07-2010, 8:18 PM
I purchase plastic resin glue from them and its mostly fresh,unlike Ace I have purchase from them and had to take it back.Date on their glue was about 4yrs old.http://www.mcmaster.com/#wood-glue/=9mdrf2 ----Carroll

Joseph Klosek
11-07-2010, 8:21 PM
I use this,



Ted Wong
11-07-2010, 9:59 PM
Woodwerks in Columbus, OH sells some stuff made by CustomPac Adhesives. It is a one part precatalyzed resin glue that is pretty good.

Jim Underwood
11-07-2010, 11:04 PM

Not available locally then. Gotta order it...

Ok then.