View Full Version : Old lathe

steven c newman
11-07-2010, 5:05 PM
An older Craftsman Lathe ( Emerson?) that has been in my shop since the mid 80s. I now have to run the thing with the motor cover off. That plastic "fan" on the end of the motor is trash, just sits there. Motor is still very good, and if I watch things as I turn, it won't over-heat. Still, would like to "drop" in a better motor, some day. The "tool rack' on the wall is just the basic sets i've used over the years, mainly for spindle turnings ( legs). Bed has a "T" shape, swing is 12", bed between centers is about 36". Two piece bed, already have welded it back together once, but it is still nice and flat. Not bad for about $90, new. :eek: Not much cash on hand for a "real" upgrade, just would like a decent motor. :(

Don Jarvie
11-07-2010, 5:36 PM
Any reason you have to weld the beds together? I have the same model and there is a piece that holds the two beds together and attachs them to the wood bed. I just gave mine a rehab so let me know if you have any questions.

Check Sears Parts for a replacement for the fan. I just ordered a new spindle and it was only 22 bucks.

I'm in the same boat, short on money for an upgrade.

steven c newman
11-07-2010, 6:01 PM
was on that connection. The cast had broke where the two beds meet. A little work with a welder, and the connector is back together. Motor is no longer listed, as of two years ago. I might check again. Maybe an washing machine ( or a dryer) motor might work?

Kyle Iwamoto
11-07-2010, 6:45 PM
I had that lathe. Same thing happened to my fan. Some 5-min epoxy fixed mine. The motor is like 60 bucks a few years ago. I used mine until the motor died. Do yourself a BIG favor and look for a used Jet/Rikon mini, or any mini/midi before spending more money on that. The step up, (or should I say "down" since that lathe is "bigger" more powerful and longer than a mini) was astounding. The modern minis are more solid and heavier duty that that.

Woodcraft has the Rikon mini for $279 on black Friday.

You may also get more help if you move this to the turner forum.

Dave Lehnert
11-07-2010, 8:11 PM
I have that lathe also. My mom got it for me when was a teen (1980's) I just have it mounted on one bed for a mini lathe. Mine has not had a lot of use and looks brand new.

Ben Martin
11-07-2010, 8:16 PM
Mid 80's is old????

Man, I guess I am old than, and expect I am younger than 75% of the people on this site...

Sorry, had to.

steven c newman
11-08-2010, 8:12 AM
It still works fine for what i do turn. An old screwdriver replaced the tensioing lever. I do have a faceplate of sorts, what the plumbers call a floor flange. It actually matches the threads on the drive stock. I threaded it on and trued it up. Four holes allow for a few svrews to hold things in place. Not cheap in this shop, just frugal.

I took an old table that was missing it's legs, mounted it on apair of sawhorses. On this table top are: a benchtop drill press, a benchtop, three wheel bandsaw (also from Sears), a 6" dual wheel bench grinder, a large machinist's vise ( 5" monarch). The lathe takes up a full side of thr table. A four plug outlet sits in the middle of all of this. Kind of a Tool Dock.:D