View Full Version : Trial run 3D

Dave Spitzer
11-07-2010, 4:40 PM
In preparation for a 44" X 20" of the Lord's Super, I made this smaller version 17" X 7.750". I used 1/4" up cut for the roughing at 85ipm 45% stepover. For the finish I used a 1/16" ball mill, at 65ipm 22% stepover and at 45 degrees, I did this just to speed things up (total cut time 3 hrs 45 min).

The wood was a very rough scrap piece of soft maple, ( I'm using cherry on the finial project) Considering the settings I think it came out OK for a trial run. I need to make sure I have all settings perfect, the finial piece will take many hours to run.

Kenneth Hertzog
11-07-2010, 9:04 PM
looks way better than my first trial run
can't wait to see the bigger one on cherry