View Full Version : Wood Heat

Donny Lawson
11-06-2010, 8:17 AM
I will be adding wood heat to my shop since that was what was in my last shop and worked very well. I'm debating on what kind to get this time. Anyone have some ideas out there? I may have to look for a good used one.

John Grabowski
11-06-2010, 8:46 AM
I would bet that with the 30% tax credit going on now that you would be able to get a pretty good one cheaper than a used one. Just a thought, I was going to get a wood burner but building code was going to he gate my insurance so I just increased insulation and bought a nicer kero heater.

Best of luck,

John G

Dan Hintz
11-06-2010, 8:49 AM
We just added an Ecoteck pellet to our basement... we'll be getting the full $1,500 back come tax time ;)

Chip Lindley
11-07-2010, 7:02 PM
Dan? Can shop scraps be burned in a pellet stove? If not, that is rather like having a warehouse full of bottled salt water to drink.

If firewood is cheap and plentiful, I suggest a full size, firebrick-lined, airtight stove. Plenty of heat, and very kind to your wood pile. Depending on your area, CL may be full of stoves to choose from this time of year.

I have heated my home for over 25 years with a full-size Blaze King. Timberlines and Earth Stoves are other good older brands to look for. Those "double barrel" kits make a hot-burning stove with little investment. Some use sand instead of fire brick in the bottom.

Bruce Volden
11-07-2010, 7:15 PM
I love my Fisher Grandma Bear (house), and soon to install the Fisher Baby Bear in the shop-this will be replacing the Quadrafire corn / pellet stove which is to expensive to heat with. NOTHING feels as good as wood heat! My $0.02 worth :) Also I may be wrong, but, the tax credits one receives from the govt. are taxed; ie $1500 tax credit is counted as $1500 income and as such are to be declared??? Help me here.
