View Full Version : You know you are tired when....

Reed Gray
11-05-2010, 12:20 PM
I pushed the remote for my radio, several times, to turn it off before I went into the house. Couldn't understand why it didn't work. Then I noticed it was the remote for my dust collector.......

robo hippy

alex carey
11-05-2010, 1:00 PM

Duff Bement
11-05-2010, 3:01 PM
I think the worst is driving home and not remembering going thru the last 2 towns and now you are in the driveway. :confused:

Kim Ford
11-05-2010, 4:18 PM
Good thing it was the radio and not the off switch for the vacuum system rather than the off switch for the lathe. I was tired one night and did that, not so good of a result.

Wally Dickerman
11-05-2010, 4:50 PM
Once I set up a brand new lathe. I turned it on to run for a half hour to see if the bearings would heat up. At 2 AM I woke up and realized that I hadn't turned off the lathe. I got out of bed and stumbled out to the shop. The lathe was running and it was fine.


Bernie Weishapl
11-05-2010, 5:25 PM
You come in from the shop around 9 pm and can't remember if you ate supper.:eek:

Rob Holcomb
11-05-2010, 5:27 PM
When I was a young Deputy Sheriff, I had the honor of working a security detail for President Clinton when he stayed in my county while preparing for the debates before being elected for his second term. I had worked 19 hours without a break and out of the blue, President Clinton decided to go for a walk. He walked right up to me on his stroll and said "Son, you look like you're exhausted". I replied with "I'm sorry, what did you say?" He turned to the Secret Service guys that were walking with him and said "Someone call the Hotel and get this officer a cup of coffee" Then he laughed, shook my hand, thanked me for my service and continued on. Without a doubt, the most embarrassing moment of my career!

Jon Lanier
11-05-2010, 5:54 PM
You know when you are tired and you try to use your car remote to unlock the front door of your house. And it is the old fashion key lock entry.

Jim Underwood
11-05-2010, 11:04 PM
You know when you are tired and you try to use your car remote to unlock the front door of your house. And it is the old fashion key lock entry.

Geez. I've done that. Countless times...:o

Ron Stadler
11-05-2010, 11:52 PM
Ok, Iv'e got to tell you my tired story, I went to work one morning and arrived a little early, I was exausted and decided to lay back and listen to radio and leave car running for the heat, well I sprung up from my short nap and hurried in to my work place. Later, lunch time arrived and I decided to go to my truck to get some more zz's, well much to my surprise and shock, my truck was still running from that morning and was almost empty on gas:eek:, lol. Well, my coworkers really liked to tease me on that one.:):D:)

Vince Welch
11-06-2010, 2:06 AM
How about this one. I rolled up to the gas station. I am in a big rush so I go inside and paid the attendant guy $20.00... On the way out to the truck the phone rings I get talking to someone about abrasives... By the time I finish with the call I jump in the truck and start rolling out only to look down and see my gas needle did not move!?! Then I releize I forgot to pump the gas.... so I turn around and quickly drive back to the pump and see the attendant standing outside looking at me curisously. At this point I am dreading having to get out of the truck because I know what is coming! SO... I man up... step out... and then it happens... the attendant says " Yo man... I have seen lots of brothas pump the gas and drive off and not pay... but you man... are the first to pay... drive off... and NOT pump the gas!!! There was nothing I could say... I just had to take it!!!

Jim Underwood
11-06-2010, 7:37 AM
Well Vince you got a laugh out of me on that one. Nothing like being perpetually pre-occupied.

I was sent on an emergency run to the convenience store up the street early one Sunday morning for some milk. (One time deal, never done that before, never do it again.)
I drove up the street still a bit groggy, walked into the back of the store, pulled a milk jug out of the refrigerator, walked to the front of the store, and out the door I went...

I woke up about the time the clerk started shouting at me....

Talk about being embarassed.:o

Larry Dubia
11-06-2010, 4:08 PM
I don't know if it tops any of these but I have a story my brother never lets me live down.

I was working at a food store in a town about 30 miles away. I got off work dead tired, went to bed and slept. I woke up so tired I thought I was late so I got dressed and ran out the door, jumped on the bus and went to work...just in time for the store to close for the night. There were no buses for the night back home so i was stuck in a coffee shop waiting for the store to open so I could go to work. By then IO was really wiped out. I made it through lunch and headed home. Once I got home, I got a message from my roommate that my boss had called asking why I had left halfway through my shift. Now that is tired...AND embarrassing.


David Woodruff
11-06-2010, 8:04 PM
This my favorite brother in law story. He drives to the store for gasoline, pumps gas, goes inside to pay, goes back outside, gets in car, drives off, rips gas pump off foundation, tears up his fender, no fire amazingly. Lesson learned; I always check my rear view mirror now to be certain no extra hoses are attached.

Jon McElwain
11-08-2010, 10:40 AM
In high school we took a band trip for some competitions out of state. There were four guys in my hotel room. One guy made a big deal about getting the first shower in the morning. He ended up going to sleep first and was out for a half hour or so while the rest of us were still talking and goofing off. We decided that the other kid would indeed get the first shower, so we set all the clocks and his watch ahead to 6:25 am with the alarm at 6:30 (it was actually around 10:00 pm still). We all crawled into bed to wait for the alarm to go off and wake up our buddy. The alarm went off, he got out of bed and took a shower albeit a little groggy. While he was in, we set the clocks to the correct time and went back to sleep. He woke up in a hurry when he realized that he had only had about a half hour of sleep! He chased everyone around for a few minutes, but we had our laugh!