View Full Version : first ornaments

Dan Cannon
11-04-2010, 8:41 PM
After seeing some of the ornaments you all have posted, particularly Scott and Curt, I wanted to try some. These are my first attempts. These are also my first attempt at any kind of finial...much to learn. First one was the walnut and maple. I decided it was a little big and too busy, so I simplified for the second one. Anyone know what kind of wood the bulb could be? It came off the mystery wood rack at WC.

Walnut and Maple - lacquer finish (should I buff after lacquer??)
mystery red wood and american holly - lacquer finish

C&C more than welcome.

thanks for looking


Kevin N Brown
11-04-2010, 8:44 PM
Very nice ornaments

Scott Hackler
11-04-2010, 8:54 PM
I do agree that the first one is pretty busy and pretty thick, but for your first one its darn good.

The second one is a great improvement from my perspective, I like it. I am really impressed if those are your first finials. On the second one, you have a nice curve and pretty thin at the tip. My only critique on it would be to thin up the "collars" to balance it out, but that will come with time.

I dont know what kind of wood that is but it sure is nice. Keep it up!!!

Jim Burr
11-04-2010, 8:59 PM
Those are great Dan! I have those on the list and yours are a good example!

Bernie Weishapl
11-04-2010, 9:03 PM
Ditto what Scott said that the first one was to busy and need to be more delicate. For your first they look great. I wish my first looked that good. By the way I don't buff my ornaments or mini birdhouses. Just don't see a need to.

Steve Schlumpf
11-04-2010, 9:31 PM
Nice work on both ornaments Dan! I really like the second version - great finial!

Looking forward to seeing numbers 10 and 20 - as you will really be turning some interesting versions at that point!

David E Keller
11-04-2010, 10:07 PM
Nicely done, and very nice considering they are your first two ornaments. I agree with the advice given thus far and have nothing to add. I'm looking forward to seeing more of them.

Baxter Smith
11-04-2010, 10:22 PM
Nicely done!

John Keeton
11-04-2010, 10:35 PM
Dan, well done! I have yet to do this style of ornament, but there are a host of nice ones being done here on the creek. Some good examples here.

Doug W Swanson
11-04-2010, 11:25 PM
Those ornaments are pretty darn good for being your first ones. I agree that the first one is a little big but you really did a nice job on both of them....

Vince Welch
11-04-2010, 11:29 PM
Hi Dan,

Those proportions look right on the money! Nicely done!


Dan Cannon
11-05-2010, 10:30 AM
thanks for all the comments guys. Good to know my "eye" wasn't too far off, as far as the first one being a bit thick and busy. I have to admit, these were really fun to make, I hadn't turned anything that was more than a single piece before these. I definitely plan to try some more and improve where I can. Thanks again.


Leo Van Der Loo
11-05-2010, 8:43 PM
After seeing some of the ornaments you all have posted, particularly Scott and Curt, I wanted to try some. These are my first attempts. These are also my first attempt at any kind of finial...much to learn. First one was the walnut and maple. I decided it was a little big and too busy, so I simplified for the second one. Anyone know what kind of wood the bulb could be? It came off the mystery wood rack at WC.

Walnut and Maple - lacquer finish (should I buff after lacquer??)
mystery red wood and american holly - lacquer finish

C&C more than welcome.

thanks for looking


Just my 2 cents OK, the balls usually look better if slightly squashed.
The finials are always too big when we do these at first, take the ones you made and make one half as big and you will be close.
KISS looks best most times.
Not a bad first set and I also think the first Icicle is too busy (KISS works here also ;))

Have fun and take care

charlie knighton
11-05-2010, 9:04 PM
very nice....