View Full Version : More email from Middle East w/ Pictures

Craig Fyock
12-27-2004, 4:47 PM
Got Several More emails...

First is to Mallory and was an instant message I recieved while on AOL and is just an exerpt of the conversation I had with him. Mallory was in school.

******Hey Mallory, you don't know me, but awhile ago you sent a red, white, & blue pen to a service member serving in the war. Well, I am that service member. I'm in the NAVY & I'm stationed in Bahrain. It's about 100 miles south of Kuwait. I just wanted to let you know that it meant a lot to me to have you send that message/pen. My e-mail is ********* if you would like to ever talk. I have great pictures of us over here if you're ever interested. Oh, by the way, my name is *******.

HistMjr4: They havent or dont plan on sending you to Iraq or Afghanistan I hope?

****** On Jan. 6th, we're leaving for Fullijah for 3 months. That's all I know of right now.

***** but Sir, I must be going now. I have to be at work in 15 mins. I hate working night-shift. It was very nice to talk to you & I'm sure we will talk again soon. Hope you & your family have an outstanding holiday.

HistMjr4: Take care, Be safe and we'll see you soon....God Bless

I removed his name and IM screen name for security and Privacy issues...

First Picture - Manning a .50cal.
2nd Sunset over Kuwait off the cost
#rd... A picture with small arms