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View Full Version : Shameless Drum Sander Gloat

Ben Hatcher
11-04-2010, 11:56 AM
Well, I finally did it. After 3+ years of searching I finally found a deal on a drum sander. I saw this one yesterday, called the guy, and two hours later was the proud owner of a Craftsman 21568 18"-36" open end drum sander. From what I can tell, Craftsman sold these for about a minute. I was worried about not being able to get replacement parts but discovered that it is a rebadged Grizzly G0458.

Overall, it looks to be in great condition. It runs smoothly with no vibrations. It's very quiet, too. It needed a new conveyor belt. I found that at Grizzly and while I was there I ordered a dust port adapter to connect it to a 4" line.

The cast iron table had some rust spots which cleaned up pretty easily with a scotchbrite and some rust remover. The table also had a few rough spots. I'm not sure if the factory did a poor job flattening it or if some previous owner tried to flatten it "better" with an angle grinder. Either way, I just glued a sheet of sandpaper to a piece of MDF and ran it over the bed a few times to knock down the rough spots. I put some boshield on the table to lubricate it and protect it from rusting again. I can't wait for the conveyor to show up so that I can see how it works.

Total cost, $225! $175 for the machine and $50 for the new conveyor and dust port. I know, I suck. But I did search for a long time.

Neil Brooks
11-04-2010, 11:59 AM
Good things come to those who wait.

Sometimes, at really good prices, too :)

You may already _know_ that you suck, but ... it never hurts to be reminded :D

Jeff Monson
11-04-2010, 11:59 AM
I'd agree you suck for that one Ben, nice score and great price.

David Helm
11-04-2010, 1:23 PM
You do, indeed, suck! I have the Grizzly G0458 and really like it. I got it on sale, but it was still $800. I made a mobile base for it so I can keep it out of the way when not in use. If yours is truly a relabeled Grizz then you got an excellent deal.

Ben Hatcher
11-04-2010, 1:47 PM
David, I read the review you wrote on your G0458 yesterday. Thank you for writing it as it helped me make my decision. I haven't seen the Griz in person, but from the pictures, the specifications, and the exploded parts diagram, it apears to be the same sander. I'll dig a bit more tonight to satisfy my curiosity.

I almost bought a delta for about $500 over the summer but was beaten out by about 20 minutes by another woodworker. I saw a Griz for $450, but it was an hour away. I'd pretty much convinced myself that I didn't need one, but for the price, I never would have forgiven myself for passing this one up.

Paul McGaha
11-04-2010, 2:34 PM
Congratulations Ben.

I bought a Delta 18/36 from a creeker a couple of weeks back. I've used it on one project so far. I think I'm really going to like it and I'm sure you'll like yours too.

Oh and you suck.


David Nelson1
11-04-2010, 6:06 PM
Well, I finally did it. After 3+ years of searching I finally found a deal on a drum sander. I saw this one yesterday, called the guy, and two hours later was the proud owner of a Craftsman 21568 18"-36" open end drum sander. From what I can tell, Craftsman sold these for about a minute. I was worried about not being able to get replacement parts but discovered that it is a rebadged Grizzly G0458.

Overall, it looks to be in great condition. It runs smoothly with no vibrations. It's very quiet, too. It needed a new conveyor belt. I found that at Grizzly and while I was there I ordered a dust port adapter to connect it to a 4" line.

The cast iron table had some rust spots which cleaned up pretty easily with a scotchbrite and some rust remover. The table also had a few rough spots. I'm not sure if the factory did a poor job flattening it or if some previous owner tried to flatten it "better" with an angle grinder. Either way, I just glued a sheet of sandpaper to a piece of MDF and ran it over the bed a few times to knock down the rough spots. I put some boshield on the table to lubricate it and protect it from rusting again. I can't wait for the conveyor to show up so that I can see how it works.

Total cost, $225! $175 for the machine and $50 for the new conveyor and dust port. I know, I suck. But I did search for a long time.

Congrats on a great steal and I'll agree you suck, but I suck even more for not finding it LOL

David Nelson1
11-04-2010, 6:07 PM
Congratulations Ben.

I bought a Delta 18/36 from a creeker a couple of weeks back. I've used it on one project so far. I think I'm really going to like it and I'm sure you'll like yours too.

Oh and you suck.


Congrats to you as well Paul. Now tell me, what did ya boot out the door to make the sander fit? :D

Joseph Tarantino
11-04-2010, 10:19 PM
that's a great looking unit. congratulations on a really outstanding find. and $175! i thought my ryobi 16-32 was a find @ $225. but that c-man for that price is a truly great buy and probably deserves a comment that's more emphatic than a simple "you suck". BTW, is that a 60s vintage C-man RAS i see behind the sander?

keith micinski
11-04-2010, 10:33 PM
Gees Ben here I was getting ready to type up what thought was a drum sander gloat about how I got a Performax 16/32 that has hardly been used and came with a bunch of extra paper and a mobile base for 450 today and you went and one upped me. Congrats on the sander I am hoping mine is as useful as I think it is going to be.

Ben Hatcher
11-05-2010, 9:41 AM
...BTW, is that a 60s vintage C-man RAS i see behind the sander?

Good eye. Now that I think of it, perhaps the good sander deal was a Craigslist Tool Karma refund for the RAS. It was in good shape, but I think I way over paid for it

Ben Hatcher
11-05-2010, 9:43 AM
Congrats to you as well Paul. Now tell me, what did ya boot out the door to make the sander fit? :D

Thankfully, nothing. I found a little cubby hole by the DC and drill press that it fits in nicely. Where I'll use it is another story completely. Because the table moves, finding room for the infeed/outfeed will be a challenge on longer stock.

Joseph Tarantino
11-05-2010, 5:12 PM
Good eye. Now that I think of it, perhaps the good sander deal was a Craigslist Tool Karma refund for the RAS. It was in good shape, but I think I way over paid for it

if it's not too painful, how badly did that RAS purchase hurt? i've been looking for another good c-man RAS from that era. and, if i may, what model DC is that in the rear? it looks looks like a delta, maybe an ap400 with a separator? if that's what it is, i've been considering a separator for my ap400 and have been scouring other guys' set ups for ideas. a few pics would be much apprecited

John Gregory
11-05-2010, 5:19 PM
Great score.

Will Overton
11-05-2010, 6:33 PM
You did well Ben!

Ben Hatcher
11-06-2010, 10:11 PM
if it's not too painful, how badly did that RAS purchase hurt? i've been looking for another good c-man RAS from that era. and, if i may, what model DC is that in the rear? it looks looks like a delta, maybe an ap400 with a separator? if that's what it is, i've been considering a separator for my ap400 and have been scouring other guys' set ups for ideas. a few pics would be much apprecited

It wasn't too bad, maybe $200, $250. I see RAS's on CL all the time for about $100, though often the newer ones.

The DC is a delta 50-760 with a super dust deputy and a Winn environmental filter. Here's picture that I posted on another thread.


It works pretty well. I've seen some posts about using a push setup. I can't do that with my delta, but if I could, I totally would. Leaks and full drums cause huge problems with filters in pull systems.