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View Full Version : Stanley/LN Totes for Veritas Bevel-Up Bench Planes

Mike Wischmann
11-04-2010, 10:26 AM
I really like the quality and cut of my Veritas Bevel-Up Bench planes except for the fact I can only use them for a short while before the rear tote gets annoyingly uncomfortable....so I made my own.
I have seen a few other people out there that have done something similiar so I figured I would show off my totes. They are a hybrid between the old Stanley totes and the current LN #5 tote.
Have to say this has revived my pleasure of planing with Veritas planes.

I have made several variations of these based on the my hand size and my sons's (slightly smaller). What I have discovered is it really makes a big difference in the fit and feel of the plane and why LN or Veritas or others don't offer different tote sizes to fit the users hands....

The one on this plane is made out of Hard Maple and the other is Paduk.

Let me know your thoughts. (Criticism and advise is welcome)


Klaus Kretschmar
11-04-2010, 11:43 AM
Hello Mike,

it´s funny, I second your experience on the Veritas Bevel Up Planes to 100%! After purchasing the BUJ and the BUS, I was completely hooked with the performance of the planes and .... completely disappointed about the ergonomics of the tote. Too straight and way too upright.

Your replacement tote looks very fine. How did you manage it to lower the hang angle of the handle? Did you keep both threaded rods to fix the tote?

I´m just curious because I found a solution for my planes already. The pic shows both planes with the replacement totes and -to compare the hang angle- the original tote positioned on one plane.



I lowered the angle by using shop made threaded rods which are bended about 10°



Brian Kent
11-04-2010, 12:12 PM
Nice job on the totes. I chose the Lee Valley over the Lie Nielsen simply because of the Lee Valley because the Lee Valley tote fit my hand better. Great job making the fit right for you.

Tri Hoang
11-04-2010, 12:16 PM
Klaus - nice job on the totes. I felt the same way with the three LV BU planes. Obviously it hasn't bother me enough to make a few replacement totes but that may change soon.

Perhaps LV may consider offering an alternative option for the totes.

Mike Wischmann
11-04-2010, 1:01 PM

I lowered the hang angle more or less by trial and error with a little trigonometry to help. Like you I was going to thread some rod and bend it to work, but I wanted to make something to fit with the original hardware (plus easier on me). If you look at LV website they call out 9/32" holes for the fastening bolts, but you can get away with 1/4" holes giving you a little extra room. What it really came down to for me is setting the foot of the tote at 15 degrees and setting up a template from there to ensure that I had sufficient room to work with.

The hang hangle is 40 deg to the 90 and 55 degrees to the plane mounts

Jim Belair
11-04-2010, 2:06 PM
Very nice job Mike and Klaus.

Based on comments here and elsewhere I can't help thinking the number of users who don't like the Veritas totes considerably out number those who do (such as Brian). I can't understand why LV wouldn't change the design in light of this.

Jim B

Mike Wischmann
11-04-2010, 2:28 PM
I wondered the same thing so I actually called LV and asked someone high up there and they explained to me that the shape and hang angle of their planes was supposed to be better for newer style taller workbenches (>33"). This makes sense since the angle on LV totes is higher resulting in less downward force and more forward force when compared to LN. However I still think they are uncomfortable and my bench is 35" tall.

Jeremy Dorn
11-04-2010, 2:36 PM
As another of the BUS owners who loves the performance of his plane, and hates how the tote feels could I request that you maybe put together a template you could scan for us or something?

I've been wanting to rehandle my BUS since about 2 days after I got it, but haven't gotten around to it simply due to not wanting to have to go through the trial/error process of finding a handle shape that mounts solidly and allows the bolt holes to be in the right spot.

Excellent work man, now you need to pickup a scrap of bubinga so you can make the handle match the knob :)

Mike Wischmann
11-04-2010, 2:51 PM
I certainly can send you a template. Once I figured mine out, I started putting a drawing together in AutoCAD, just got sidetracked on some other work that needed to get done and never finished it. I will hopefully get to it this weekend and send it over.

As for the Bubinga you are correct, now if I could just find where it is in the disaster I call a wood storage :)

Jeremy Dorn
11-04-2010, 3:07 PM
Excellent, thanks alot Mike.

Mike Wischmann
11-04-2010, 4:15 PM

What might work out as well is I could send one of mine back to Omaha with my brother-in-law (he lives there too) to let you try out for a bit. They will be up next week. Let me know

PM me if you would like to try one.

Tony Zaffuto
11-04-2010, 6:08 PM
Mike and Klaus,

Nice job! I have found my BUS much the same way, as far a tote comfort, but haven't gotten around to making another. Maybe if Rob Lee sees this thread, he may make available very raw totes (not roughed) drilled to fit the plane.

This plane is one of my favorites and if you haven't tried it yet, I would suggest getting a toothed blade.


Jim Belair
11-04-2010, 7:00 PM
Maybe if Rob Lee sees this thread, he may make available very raw totes (not roughed) drilled to fit the plane.

Great idea!

Eric Brown
11-04-2010, 9:51 PM
I have been wishing for a slightly different handle too, but, I wonder if an additional "ledge" for your index finger might also improve the feel and handling of the BU planes.


Mike Wischmann
11-05-2010, 8:14 AM
I agree but it might be a little harder to do that one.....will start thinking about some options