View Full Version : Creeker's Holiday Weekend Accomplishments - PIC

Dennis Peacock
12-27-2004, 2:03 AM
Well, another Christmas weekend has come and gone. Seems like Christmas comes around a LOT sooner than it used to when I was a kid!!! :rolleyes: ;)

Well....the kids did well this Christmas as well as the LOML and the LOML Jr.
I spent the weekend sick with sinus problems and spent time inside with the kids since we were snowed and iced in.

No real tools for Christmas this year...just clothes and a few books.

Below is what I spent part of the day working with the kids making a ferris wheel with the new lego sets and the last pic is of the LOML and LOML Jr. and their new music boxes I made from Black Walnut.

So how did YOU fair this Christmas holiday weekend?

Best of weeks to you all.

Rod Torgeson
12-27-2004, 10:27 AM
Hello Dennis......Happy Holidays to you and your family. Those are beautiful music boxes. I am sure they will enjoy them for years to come. Aside from the pictures of the tools in another thread, I got two DVDs, one is "Bullitt" and the other is "Erin Brockovich". If you haven't seen "Bullitt", it has one of the best car chase scenes through the streets of San Francisco with Steve McQueen. Also got a covered bridge calendar and a real nice barbecue spatula. Pretty soon it will be a new year and time to start on that workbench. Rod in Appleton, WA

Dennis Peacock
12-27-2004, 11:42 AM
Pretty soon it will be a new year and time to start on that workbench. Rod in Appleton, WA

I hear ya Rod.....I absolutely have to build myself a true workbench this year!!! :rolleyes:

Keith Christopher
12-27-2004, 12:00 PM
I did no shop time this weekend. I spent all the time with my kids and helping them enjoy their christmas. This week, I'll be burning some cherry and begin designing and laying out some book shelves a sewing table and some new cabin ets. so back to busy.

Bobby McCarley
12-27-2004, 8:33 PM
Was off all weekend for Christmas. Did not get much shop time in. South Louisiana was hit with some of the coldest weather we have seen in quite some time, even New Orleans had a white Christmas with a light dusting of snow. Other than staying close to the wood burning stove, we had Christmas dinner at wife's cousins house and ate way too much. After that we went to see our son, who is a fireman, and had to work Christmas day. Then came home and got close to the stove again. Watched a movie, Manchurin Candidate, then went to bed. Daughter and new son-in-law were in Austin,Texas at his mothers house. Sunday we went to son and daughter-in-laws house to see all the toys the grandkids got. I sure don't remember getting that many toys from Santa.

Great looking music boxes, Dennis, and a great looking family also.

I did manage to finish one of the two swings I have been working on for the son and the daughter and he new hubby, before the artic blast hit.

Scott Coffelt
12-27-2004, 9:07 PM
No shop time for a few days. We left Thursday for Larned, Kansas about 4- 4 1/2 hour drive. Stayed until Sunday and then drove to my parents house in Osawatomie, Kansas (home of John Brown's Cabin), for Xmas with my siblings and then home last night. LEGO's, ummm I helped my son build the Star Wars Emperial Walker, X Wing Fighter, etc., etc., etc. And then some Knetix, etc..... So I call it shop time. :D

I am off all week, so I have a few items to get done in the shop and also with the city on my new house project.

Dennis Peacock
12-27-2004, 11:57 PM
Great looking music boxes, Dennis, and a great looking family also.

I did manage to finish one of the two swings I have been working on for the son and the daughter and he new hubby, before the artic blast hit.


Very nice on the swing!!! :D The LOML wants one of those for our porch. Of course we have to have a porch wide enough to put it first!!! :eek: :rolleyes: ;)