View Full Version : 3 little HF's

Josh Bowman
11-01-2010, 9:04 PM
These are a study I'm doing in form. The mesquite on the left has been shown before, but is here for comparison. It's proportions are according to PHI or the Golden Mean which is 1.61803398874989. The next is cherry and is done with proportions of thirds. The last was done tonight and is Hack berry and its proportions are closer to quarters. I also experimented with making its foot very slim.
All are about 4" tall.
Critiques and opinions welcome.

Jo Ranum
11-01-2010, 9:34 PM
Beautifully done. I also love the colors

Steve Schlumpf
11-01-2010, 9:39 PM
Nice work Josh! So... which of the 3 styles do you like most?

I find that the center HF - Cherry - seems to come closest to what I like.

Hope you are having fun with your new system!

John Keeton
11-01-2010, 9:53 PM
A trio!! Nice work, Josh, and I like the middle one as well. Why not try that form on another one, and continue the convex curve on the side to the foot - eliminating the concavity near the bottom? Might be interesting!

Joe Shinall
11-01-2010, 9:58 PM
Very nice trio Josh. They look a lot larger than 4". And I like John's idea on the middle one.

Ted Evans
11-01-2010, 10:06 PM
Josh, very well done on all three. Thanks for putting them together for comparison, great idea. Like the others, the Cherry form is more appealing to me. Ted

David E Keller
11-01-2010, 10:10 PM
Nicely done, Josh. I applaud you for experimenting to find forms that appeal to your tastes. Your tactics are more cerebral than mine which should shorten your journey to finding a vase form that appeals to you.

I like all three of the pieces, but I like the second form best proportionally. I agree with JK about the return curve at the bottom... It actually looks like all three forms have a little return near the bottom that interrupts the curve as it nears the foot. I do like the third form, but I would like to see it about 5/8 inch shorter without the return curve at the bottom... I suspect that change would get it back closer to the 1/3 to 2/3 ratio.

I'm looking forward to seeing what you come up with next.

Bernie Weishapl
11-01-2010, 11:34 PM
Really nice HF's Josh. I like the center one myself.

Tom Sherman
11-02-2010, 6:33 AM
Nice job on all three Josh, I like the Cherry as well. I would like to see a combination of the curves of #1 with the proud opening of #2 and a more gentle flow to the foot.

Dan Hintz
11-02-2010, 7:09 AM
All are beautiful, in their own way (the colors are awesome). From my "architectural" study days, which force me to look critically, but in a somewhat subconscious way... the center one has the most pleasing form, at least to my eyes. The third one looks almost alien... in the correct spot it would look great, but standing on its own the proportions don't work. The first is "acceptable", but would always come in second place to the second form.

Nice to see some "testing" going on...

charlie knighton
11-02-2010, 1:26 PM
very nice, try varying you height

Baxter Smith
11-02-2010, 6:56 PM
Nice job! Great way to find out what does and doesn't appeal to you.