View Full Version : Simple ornaments for students?

Dave Cav
11-01-2010, 5:34 PM
Hello folks,

First of all, I'm not much of a turner. I'm a high school shop teacher and my skill set (other than getting along with 15 year olds) runs to building furniture. However, we have six Jet/Grizzly mini lathes the students love, and I am looking for some simple ornaments we can make, preferably between centers. (Right now we're doing gavels.) We do have a few four jaw scroll chucks, but I don't often use them because usually by the end of the day at least one is taken apart and the key for the other one is missing. Any pictures or ideas for simple Christmas ornaments would be most welcome.


Greg Ketell
11-01-2010, 6:27 PM
The simplest would be hanging snowmen...

Or you could just do icicles like the finials of these other ornaments:

Those are all simple, between-centers type projects that are only "a step up" from the gavel handles they are doing now.

Dave Cav
11-01-2010, 10:16 PM
Those are great; thanks very much. The hanging snowman will probably be a big hit.

Leo Van Der Loo
11-01-2010, 11:40 PM
Here are a couple more they can make, all quite easily made IMO, Have fun and take care ;-))
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