View Full Version : Creeker's Weekend Accomplishments.....

Dennis Peacock
11-01-2010, 9:42 AM
1 Nov 2010

Good Morning,
Well, we've had a couple of frosts and that was enough to kill what herbs we had in the garden growing still. Good thing our cold weather plants are doing fine.

Went last week to visit my parents and to help get some things done around their place and to visit as much as I could with my dad. The cancer treatments and the cancer is taking it's toll on him..both physically and mentally. My dad appeared to have aged 30 years since the last time I took him to a chemo treatment....just 6 months ago. I have quickly learned to "hate cancer".!

No woodworking for me this weekend...was making my trip back home.

That's it for me..so what did YOU do this past weekend??

Best of weeks to you all.

Shawn Pixley
11-01-2010, 9:50 AM
Spent Saturday worrying on a jewelry chest for my niece. Sunday was spent laying 50 sf of floor. Doesn't sound like much, but it had to be patched in to match the rest so every stick was hand fitted.

Jeremy Greiner
11-01-2010, 10:21 AM
I set up my new dust collector and re-arranged my garage in preperation for my table saw delivery. I have an electrition stopping by today to give me a quote on a 240v breaker and a couple outlets for my garage.


Neil Brooks
11-01-2010, 10:36 AM
I bet there were a million things that you could have thought to do that would have been more fun, but nowhere near as important :(

I buggered about $60 worth of QSWO that had a LOT of work in it ... when ... my clamp-on straight-edge/guide slipped, while routing dados.

Lesson: clamp those clamps with "C" or "F" clamps, and put some sticky-back 150 sandpaper on the back of them.

I switched to a shop-made dado jig, but ... will still use sticky-back sandpaper and my new, cute, little Bessey 6" clamps.

Your family is in my thoughts, Dennis....

Jim O'Dell
11-01-2010, 12:04 PM
I agree with you Dennis, cancer is one ugly disease. LOML informed me yesterday that her hair is starting to come out. Had her second Chemo treatment last Thursday. But holding up well. Feels good and still working. Drives herself to the treatments so far.
I got the finishing room painted this weekend. 3 coats of Kilz on the walls, 2 coats on the ceiling. Will do a 3rd coat there later. Made the mistake of getting 3/8" nap rollers instead of 1/2", so it didn't deposit the paint as thick. The main shop only needed 2 coats. Now to clean up the main shop from all the cut OSB dust from the circular and jig saw cuts.
Oh, and I mowed and set up the spreader for fertilizer and seed for the wife to do yesterday. We are over seeding the bare spots front and back with rye. Have to rake leaves off before spreading the stuff on, or it never gets to the ground.
Hope everyone has a great week! Jim.

Ken Fitzgerald
11-01-2010, 12:16 PM
Dennis....you and your family.....Jim and your wife.....You are in my thoughts and prayers.

Quiet weekend here. I did take the first wrapping of bubble wrap of the collaoration box yesterday.....a few more days and I'll take the 2nd layer off.

Yesterday we spent the morning emptying most of the furniture and "fluff" out of our living room. I hung one set of new blinds in our bedroom.

Last Monday I vacumned and cleaned the carpets in the south half of the house. Today after I finish hanging the 2nd set of blinds in our bedroom, I'll vacumn the north half of the house and clean the carpets on the north half too.

Yes...I do windows.....what Sharon wants....Sharon gets......:rolleyes:

Our 8 month old twin granddaughters and parents are coming for Thanksgiving and the "girls" have become mobile. We decided we need give them a clean surface to scoot and crawl on..... PawPa can't wait!

Neil Brooks
11-01-2010, 12:17 PM

My thoughts are with you and your wife, as well.

We got my dear Aunt and my dear Sister-In-Law through it, but .... you just never know.

Brett Clark
11-01-2010, 12:19 PM
Started installing replacement windows in my daughter's bedroom

Opened one of two tubes of caulk purchased from the big blue borg and caulk would not come out - cut tip larger and squeezed harder

result: broke my caulk gun :eek:

Repeated with second tube of caulk

result: broke Mom's caulk gun :mad:

I fixed one caulk gun enough to finish the job with a different type of caulk, I had purchased for something else.

So the question is: Does PL polyurethane caulk naturally require an industrial strength caulk and the hand strength of the Incredible Hulk or do I have some complaining to do when I go to the store today to get a new caulk gun?

Matt Meiser
11-01-2010, 12:28 PM
Brett, I wonder if it was just too old?

We went camping one last time with family. Probably should have stayed home and did projects around the house. Sunday afternoon I winterized the plumbing in the camper and another Creeker came over so we could cut gussets for a second round of mobile base building our club is doing. After this round, I think there we will have built 20-something of the design we came up with. Just waiting for someone like HTC to snag the design because they work really well due to using 4 swivel casters. Guys with small shops love them because they can move a machine any direction. Guys with big shops still love them because they can move a machine in any direction!

Jim Rimmer
11-01-2010, 12:38 PM
Dennis & Jim - our thoughts and prayers for you families.

Matt: Care to share the design?

Worked on boxes for the grandkids. Have 3 to finish up before we fly to Virginia for Thanksgiving.

Matt Meiser
11-01-2010, 2:04 PM
Jim, see this thread: http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?t=139395

Jim Becker
11-01-2010, 9:56 PM
Dennis and Jim...I absolutely agree that cancer is a horrible thing. I'm glad that folks like Professor Dr. SWMBO spend so much time trying to find out why cancer occurs and how to stop it.

I finished up (literally) my latest tack trunk commission, getting the oil applied and the sealer coat of shellac and finish coats of EM6000 sprayed. I'll get the hardware back on sometime this week, have a photo shoot for the obligatory thread in Woodworking Projects here at SMC and get it delivered to the woman who will be stuffing it full of, well...tack and other things...once it's at the barn.

In addition to my regular dressage lesson (equestrian) on Saturday, I also got the wall color cut-in in the study room. If you have never done that kind of thing in a 250 year old structure that has plaster walls and, um...no straight lines...you haven't "lived". I have a whole lot of over-whelming respect for "Fletcher and Metz" who are the pro painters who did all the paint work on our addition a couple years ago. I have a good eye and a steady hand, but there is no way I can even come close to them in craftsmanship with a paint brush...

And, of course, Sunday night was Halloween and we took the girls out to gather big bags of sugar...

Beware of the Fashion Police....


And whatever Cleopatra morphed into...


Keith Westfall
11-02-2010, 1:21 AM
Opened one of two tubes of caulk purchased from the big blue borg and caulk would not come out - cut tip larger and squeezed harder

I just have to ask, did you punch a hole in the metal seal after cutting the tip? :o

Jim Rimmer
11-02-2010, 2:32 PM
Thanks, Matt. I forgot that you are welder as well as ww'er. Nice design but beyond my capabilities.

Matt Meiser
11-02-2010, 2:42 PM
Well, I own welding equipment anyway. :)

Mike Ashton
11-02-2010, 3:17 PM
It's a shame so many are affected by cancer, we lost my wife's grandmother last month to bladder cancer that spread to her bones and blood.

Sunday morning the crib I've been working on for the last 3 months moved into it's place in the baby's room. Wife found a picture of what she liked, so I decided to give it a shot. Pretty happy with how it came out, it's my 3rd or 4th real woodworking project (by real I mean something other than a shop cabinet or book shelf, like an actual piece of furniture). These are the best pics I have with me, were taken testing the fit for the mattress before finishing (which was a nightmare).

Just in time too, she is at 37 weeks with our first!

Ed Breen
11-02-2010, 5:43 PM
Spent all day Sunday in planes coming home from Barcelona. With the increased security regs you need more than two hours between planes.